Chapter 11: First Kiss

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"Stop it...stop biting me..."

Gameknight kept swiping at Herobrine, trying to keep him away from his neck.

"Oh, please stop that," Herobrine whispered. "You're not making me be any gentler when you do that." He bit harder. He moaned.

"Shh..." Herobrine whispered, putting his finger up to Gameknight's lips, making his eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. "Be quiet, sweetheart...I don't want you moaning like this."

Gameknight glared into the Virus's blazing white eyes, giving him a venomous look that made Herobrine raise his eyebrows. 

"What, pet?" he asked.

"Don't. Call. Me. Pet," snarled Gameknight. "And I will moan all I want. If you're doing something I don't like, then I'll do something you don't like."

"Why?" Herobrine asked, making stupid puppy-eyes.

"It's called karma, dude, ever hear of it?" Gameknight said, rolling his eyes.

It was Herobrine's turn to roll his eyes. "Of course I've heard of it. But," he said, his face getting that dumb expression again, "it's not your place to resist. You're supposed to let me do whatever I want to you."

Gameknight shook his head. "No."

Herobrine backed away from him. "What did you just say to me?" he whispered. 

"I said no. You have absolutely no right to-to sexually abuse me like this!" Gameknight was on fire now. He was angry at Herobrine, so angry that he wasn't going to take this anymore. "You don't understand it, mainly because you're a complete idiot, but stuff like this in MY world is frowned upon." Especially if it's between two boys, he wanted to add, but he didn't. 

"It's a good thing we're not in your world...yet," Herobrine said. 

"Yet? What do you mean, yet?" 

"Never you mind, pet."

Gameknight's eyebrows became one, he was frowning so hard. "I'm not your pet!"

"Oh, I love you when you resist, it's so adorable." Herobrine giggled, turning a deep shade of pink. "What you think doesn't matter to me, all you should know is that you are MINE, MY pet, and you and I are going to be together...forever."

Something on Herobrine's tone of voice made Gameknight shiver, something made him not want to resist anymore. He suddenly began to feel scared. "F-forever?" he stuttered. 

Herobrine leaned in closer and whispered in his ear, "forever and ever and ever." His hand moved under Gameknight's shirt, which he had so sneakily reobtained, and Gameknight screamed like a girl and moved back to the back wall. Herobrine just crawled back towards him and laughed.

"You aren't going anywhere, sweetie," he said. 

This time Gameknight had no snappy, twelve-year-old-idiot-boy remark to throw back at him. When Herobrine realized this, he chuckled deeply. 

"Not resisting now, huh?" he asked. 

Gameknight, feeling defeated, sighed. "I suppose not."

Herobrine smiled, blushed, and then started giggling. "Oh, heh, now that you aren't trying to stop me...oh, I have so many ideas of what I can do to you..." 

His hand, once again, slipped under Gameknight's shirt. He took a small intake of breath but did not try to stop him. Herobrine smiled as he traced Gameknight's chest, his cold fingers meeting with Gameknight's chest. The boy shivered, repulsed by the Virus's touch, but he did not try to stop him. He had given up. 

In the back of his mind, he heard a scratchy old woman's voice speak- please, child, do not give up now. It took him a second to figure out who it was, though-the Oracle. 

The Oracle, if you didn't know, is the anti-virus program Notch created to help the NPCs fight Herobrine and the monsters of Minecraft. She had helped Gameknight999 with many of the battles he'd fought, encouraging him when he'd felt lost and risking her life to save many others. She was probably one of the bravest people he knew. 

Oracle? Gameknight thought, trying to not think too hard in case Herobrine read his thoughts again.

Yes, I'm here, Gameknight, the Oracle's voice spoke. I am right here.

Are you okay? Gameknight asked.

Yes, I'm okay, replied the Oracle. I have news-Hunter and Monet are coming for you, and Monkeypants and Endia have made a plan to stop the other monster kings. The other NPCs have forgotten everything you are, even who you are. 

This thought disturbed Gameknight. All of his friends-Crafter, Stitcher, Herder, Digger, and all of the other NPCs-had forgotten about him? 

Yes, child, I am so sorry. I can understand how bad you must feel right now. But you can't give up now. If you think THIS is sexual abuse, you're not going to be able to handle what he's planned for you later. You can't give up.

Gameknight tried to pretend like he didn't hear that.

Don't give up...

But suddenly, when he woke up in, er, wherever he was, he couldn't hear the Oracle's voice anymore. Instead, he noticed that he was in a different room-a room with black-and-red curtains, a raggedy bed, and a chest in the corner. He was lying on top of the bed. On the top of the bed frame, he saw a picture frame hanging there with a picture of two boys and a girl standing next to each other. He tried to get a better view of the picture, but someone turned him over on his back.

He looked up and saw Herobrine staring at him. He wanted to kick him or something, especially after what the Oracle had told him about what he had planned, but his feet were tied together. His hands were also tied together. He was completely immovable.

"I see you've woken from your trance finally," Herobrine said, his breath on Gameknight's face. "It took you quite a while. What were you thinking about, may I ask?"

Gameknight shook his head. He wasn't going to tell Herobrine that he had been communicating with the Oracle.

"Oh well." Herobrine laughed quietly to himself. "Never mind that. The reason I've brought you here is because you're going to part of something I've been wanting to do for a long time."

"What?" Gameknight asked softly.

Herobrine smiled but did not say anything. Instead of replying, he grabbed the sides of Gameknight's face and pulled him closer. And, before Gameknight even knew what was happening, Herobrine had their lips locked in the most involved kiss there has ever been in the world. 

Gameknight tried to tug away, but Herobrine had such a strong grip on him that he wasn't able to do anything. Even during the kiss, Herobrine was biting him; it felt to Gameknight like he was practically eating his lips or something. It was the most uncomfortable, torturous, and evil thing he'd ever had done to him, and there was no way about of it.

Gameknight didn't know how long Herobrine had made them kiss; to him, it felt like days (it could very well have been days), and Herobrine wouldn't even let him tug away to take a breath. But when they finally broke apart, Herobrine didn't stop there. He untied Gameknight and pushed him under the covers of the bed. Herobrine also slid under the covers and snuggled up to Gameknight. And when he did, he whispered-

"You'll be sleeping with me tonight."



I'm sincerely sorry I haven't been on Wattpad in a long time. Got grounded :( but I'm back now so YAY! 

Also, most of the ideas for that chapter came from a conversation I had with @theDiamondcats. Thanks, girl! You really helped me!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!



Retribution (a Gameknight999 fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora