Chapter 1

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After BaiLuoYin woke up from their amazing night of fun all he felt like doing was throwing up. He ran to the toilet puking his gut out causing Guhai to jump out of bed and sprint to his side.

"Baby are you okay?" Guhai asked patting his husbands back trying to sooth BaiLuoYin's pain.

"Yay I'm fine must be something I ate. " Guhai immediately looked down at his crotch. BaiLuoYin saw and smacked Guhai out of embarrassment and anger.

" Why do you always make everything seem dirty? I was talking about food poisoning." Again Guhai looked down at his crotch. 

" Oh my god!" BaiLuoYin groaned giving up. He tried to get up from the floor but instantly fell down. He blushed a mad red remembering why his legs were numb. Guhai in return gave him a devilish grin only for it to turn into a frown again when BaiLuoYin started to gag than throw up again.

BaiLuoYin gasped as he looked at the time. " I have to go ZhouLingYun will punish me if I come late for training.

When he tried to get up again Guhai pushed him back down.

" You're not going anywhere you're sick I will tell him you can't come in today."

" What are you gonna tell him? I'm sick? He won't believe you! I never get sick!" BaiLuoYin yelled struggling to push Guhai away from him.

" Well, you are right now!" 

"No, I'm not I'm fine!" A wave of nausea swept over BaiLuoYin. He threw up again.

" If I can't stand up to food poisoning then I'm not a soldier," BaiLouYin said gasping between his words.

" But what if it's more than just food poisoning?" Guhai tried reasoning with him but BaiLuoYin shook his head in denial. 

" I'll be fine," BaiLuoYin said changing his clothes. After, he got up and left well not before kissing Guhai on the check. Guhai chuckled at the action.

"He'll be fine right?" Guhai got dressed and headed towards his company.

TongZhe greeted Guhai when he entered his office. "Morning Guhai how was your day yesterday."

"It was amazing! I was able to put him in so many positions! He's so damn flexible!  His legs couldn't stop shaking when we finished! He has so much more stamina now! He even begged for more! It was awesome!" he looked at TongZhe and laughed.

" Now I know what you were doing yesterday," TongZhe mumbled in disgust then his face paled.

"You asked!" Guhai chuckled.

"Wait, I tried calling you yesterday but the major picked up! Don't tell me - No - Why?!"

" You wouldn't stop calling me! And I wanted him to do something really kinky!" TongZhe looked at him in disgust. 

" No wonder why he was panting so much but why did he say he was horseback riding?" Guhai gave him an evil smirk and he gagged in response. 

" He was riding something and that something thing is as bigger than a horses thing. He can tell you that for sure" Guhai chuckled.

Addicted; A continuation of the book 2Where stories live. Discover now