Chapter 13

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(I'm back with another update. I'm going through so shit. I don't know or care anymore at this point. My Ex is being an asshole. My dog died and now I have to stress out about a stupid project. But in the middle of this fucked up chaos I decided to write instead of doing my work. I do this for you. Anyway enjoy)

BaiLouYin rolled across the bed, wrapping himself with the blanket until he fell off the bed with a big thud. He continue to lay there like a corpse even when he heard Guhai rush into the room.

"What happened are you oka-...???" Guhai stared at the floor in confusion. "Are you pretending to be a basket worm?" He asked poking BaiLouYin through the blanket. The man hissed at his husband and began rolling away from him into he hit the wall with another hard thud. "You're gonna get hurt and hurt the baby if you keep doing that," Guhai scolded the blob as it tried to inch away in a hurry.

"Don't come near me!" The creature hissed. Guhai could only sigh as he watched his wife run into another wall. It was like watching that beluga whale in Finding Dori try to navigate it's way around the room. He had enough and picked up the man.

"Let me go Guhai!" BaiLouYin thrashed around flailing his limbs and using them to smack the offender.  Guhai gently placed him on the bed and knelt down so they would be at eye level with each other. 

"What's wrong wifey? Are you hungry?" Guhai asked tenderly as he held the man's hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "Hey look at me, what's wrong?" BaiLouYin huffs and smacks the man in the face with a pillow successfully escaping from the man's grasp. 

"Nothing!" BaiLouYin yelled wrapping himself deeper with in the blanket and using the pillows as shields. "Stay away!"

Guhai smiled as he realized what was happening. His wifey was moody. Very moody. So he sat there patiently until BaiLouYin fell asleep. Guhai chuckles to himself, "If he wanted me to sit here until he fell asleep all he had to do was ask." He felt like the baby made his wife more childish. 

Guhai had fallen asleep but woke up to the sound of BaiLouYin gagging in the restroom followed by the sound of the toilet flushing. His wifey walked back into the room and crawled somberly into the bed. Guhai inched closer and hugged him.

"Morning sickness?" BaiLouYin glares at him and pushes him away. He stares at the toilet seat furious . Guhai doesn't touch BaiLouYin he instead sit besides his husband giving him some space. His husband had been handling the whole pregnancy well but sometimes there were days the other refused to be around him. 

"Why call it morning sickness if it's not even the morning?!"

"Technically it's midnight so..." BaiLouYin stuck up another middle finger at his husband as he throw up again. BaiLouYin leaned against the wall exhausted. He felt so tired all the time but to was particularly hard on him. His thoughts began to spiral and Guhai could tell. His wifey stood up and went over to the sink and began to brush his teeth. Guhai wrapped his arms around the other's waist and buried his face into his back. "Are you hungry? Is there anything you want to eat?" His wifey mumbled dumplings and Guhai understood the mission. He kissed his cheek and rushed out their bedroom door into the kitchen. 

BaiLouYin stared into the mirror. He squished his forming belly and sighed. It wasn't that big before but now it was starting to be a bit more noticeable. Apparently the baby was the size of a bell pepper now.  He wasn't sure how to feel. He didn't like how his body was changing so much and it felt like there was something sucking the life out of him. He noticed that he was beginning to feel resentful of his unborn child. He was even feeling resentful towards Guhai for putting the thing inside him. 

He shook his head in retaliation and went out to the balcony to cool his head. He leaned against the railing, enjoying the soft breeze of the night against his skin. He rubbed him rubbed softly as an apology for thing such negative thoughts toward it. "Sorry baby I didn't mean to be so mean." He bit his lip for a moment thinking about what else to say. "Your Daddy is just having a hard time adjusting. Now that I think about it we haven't even tried to give you a name yet." 

BaiLouYin pulled out a chair and sat down. "I don't think I quite ready to meet you yet. I don't think I ever will be." He kept think about how Guhai would make a great Dad but in his eyes he was the one that was lacking. He was scared. He stood up and walked over the the railing. He stared up at the sky as his thoughts wondered about. "I'll try my best but I will make no promises that I'll be a good parent." He hugged his stomach enjoying the warmth of the emotion that was spreading though out his body. 

Guhai walked into his room ready to announce to his wifey that the food was ready but he was no where in sight. His heard skipped a beat and dread filled his mind. He was ready to yell out his name when he heard humming come from the balcony. Guhai huffed in relief and quietly stalked towards to balcony. What he witnessed made him melt with pure joy.

BaiLouYin was leaning onto the railing with a hand on his bump, humming a soothing melody while staring out into sky. He was glowing and Guhai felt himself falling in love with his husband all over again.  He looked so handsome yet beautiful. He snuck back inside and grabbed their dinner and walked out onto the balcony. He sat the food onto the table, catching BaiLouYin's attention. 

They both sat down in front of the food and began eating. "How's the food?"

"Why ask when you already know the answer?" Guhai rolled his eyes and BaiLouYin's snappiness.

BaiLouYin looked away with a small blush on his face. "Delicious like it always is." Guhai smiled with wide eyes. He really wasn't expecting him to answer. He felt his heard warm up more. His heat couldn't take BaiLouYin's cuteness. 

The food was gone within a few minutes because of how hungry BaiLouYin was. They now sat in silence staring out into the night sky. It began to get colder outside but BaiLouYin didn't want to even more. Technically in Chinese tradition BaiLouYin would have been forbidden to stand out in the cold like his because he cold get sick and that would compromise both him and the baby but he refused to obey. Guhai wrapped a thick blanket around his why and hugged him, holding him tight against him.

BaiLouYin had been deep in his thoughts until he heard Guhai laughing. 

"Hmm?" he asked his husband.

Guhai shook his head, "It's nothing. I was just remembering something funny." He planted a kiss on his wifey's forehead. "It's funny because I've always dream of you and I. Now here we are. Staring at the stars." BaiLouYin nods in agreement. They had both come a long way. From hating each other to falling in love and hating each other again to falling love once more. 

"We kept breaking each other's hearts even though we said we wouldn't. In the end it was just that time wasn't in our favor," BaiLouYin said playing with the edge of the blanket. "It's so weird how ever time we thought we were saying good bye it would simply turn into see you later." BaiLouYin snuggles closer to his husband. Guhai smiled, intertwining their hands.

"In 10 years I want to propose and marry you all over again," Guhai said placing kisses all over BaiLouYins face. "You are just too perfect." BaiLouYin scrunched up his nose faking disgust. 

"You are so weird."

"I swear BaiLouYin I'll marry you again and again. Every time I get the chance. Every year I'll keep asking you to marry me," Guhai chirped. BaiLouYin rolled his eyes but kissed Guhai's cheek.

"Do whatever you want. But know if I say no I still mean yes." They both stare into each other's eyes and kiss. Even the night couldn't contain the their joy as the moon shined brightly above them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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