Something silly!

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Germany likes to watch Tangled by himself because he

is afraid that the other nations would laugh at him because he likes the
character Rapunzel.

The nations looked at Ludwig with surprised, said German was red as a Tomato. Alfred grinned, everyone was prepared to hear the American to make fun of the German nation but that wasn't what happened.

"Dude that's awesome!! She totally kicks butt! There is no shame in liking a princess, You should come over to my place and we can watch Tangled together!" Alfred said, with a Hollywood smile.

"That would be nice." Ludwig said, the blush fading slightly.

When people lest expect it, their ring tones and lock screen

pictures are changed to a random picture and to 'Canadian please'.

This happens on more then one occasion.

The nations blinked but then Alfred's phone started playing the mentioned song. He made a face before pulling out his phone and shrieked.


The nations laughed at this, Matthew was smirking before it fell at the mention of 'Who'.

"This is the last one then someone else can read." Ludwig said.

The Micro's are at every meeting, but are well hidden that
nobody knows where they are except one. But he won't sell them out,

because he likes it when they call him big brother at the end of the meeting.

Everyone was surprised by this, then Peter hoped out from the table and tackled... Air??

"I guess they know our secret Big brother!! But I ain't leaving till I'm a nation!!" Peter chirped.

Arthur looked like he was about to snap when a sound of gentle laughter filled the room making the nations blink. The so called 'Air' shifted slightly to reveal... America? But the air spoke softly.

"I guess so... but it's not like that will stop us. We are just too good at our job. Eh?" Matthew said.

Francis grabbed the journal and cleared his throat, ignoring the Canadian and the micro all together.

Dear diary,

I lost to my brother at hockey... again... and now I have that demon spawn living in my country. I vow to never make another bet with Mattie as long as I live! I now know why Germany is terrified of Canadians... they can be evil when they want too.
-America your hero!

The nations looked at a pale American and a laughing... Canadian? Alfred turned to look at his brother and glared.

"TAKE HIM BACK!!!" Alfred shouted.

"No, you can keep him you hoser. Unless you want you bruised pride handed to you on a silver plate again." Matthew said, smirking at his twin.

Alfred just sat their glaring at his twin.

Dear Diary,

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