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Kae’lynn Perez

I sat in the living room, watching Anthony play in his little playpen. It’s been about eight months and Jacob and I married two months ago. Anthony is still in the crawling stage. Jacob is still a realtor and Ayla has opened up to us.

 ‘’Mommy look what I drew!’’ She excitedly put the picture into my face. She has a talent for drawing, she loves art like her dad.

 ‘’Daddy is going to love it. Go put it in his office and I’ll make he sees it.’’ I said. She ran over toward Jacob’s home office. I took Anthony out of the playpen, bouncing him up and down. He was giggling, looking at me. I felt hands cover my eyes, I let out a scream.

 ‘’Babe it’s just me.’’ I heard Jacob’s voice. I smiled, handing Anthony to him. He babbled to Anthony making him giggle.

 ‘’Baby Ayla left a picture in your office.’’ I said. He nodded, walking back to his home office. I laid back watching TV. Jacob walked back in with a smile on his face.

 ‘’I knew my baby girl was talented.’’ He smiled, handing Anthony to me. I smiled, playing in Anthony’s hair.

 ‘’Yeah, yeah. I’mma go put my little fat man down for his nap.’’ I got up, walking upstairs. I walked into his nursery, putting him into the crib. I turned on the monitor, walking out. I walked into Ayla’s room to see her drawing.

 ‘’Mommy, can you please bring me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with milk?’’ She asked, sweetly. I nodded, walking out of her room walking downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, making her sandwich. I poured some milk into a glass. I walked out of the kitchen, upstairs to her bedroom.

 ‘’Here you go princess.’’ I said, handing it to her. She smiled, hugging me. I walked out of the room to the bedroom I shared with Jacob. He looked stressed, so I got onto the bed behind him. I started to massage his shoulders.

 ‘’Thank you baby.’’ He thanked as he groaned.

 ‘’You need to lay off of work. You’re stressed and you’ve got your hair falling out.’’ I stressed, massaging his shoulders.

 ‘’Baby I need this job to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouth and clothes on our back.’’ He said.

 ‘’I know, but I have a job has the intern at the hospital now. We are going to be good, Jacob.’’ I assured, putting my head on his shoulder.

 ‘’I just want the best for you and the kids.’’ I smiled, pecking his cheek.

 ‘’The kids and I are good. I know you worry but we are good.’’ He cracked a smile.

 ‘’You should be a therapist.’’ He suggested. I just shrugged my shoulders, laying back. He laid his head between my legs.

 ‘’Baby we need a vacation.’’ I said. He nodded, turning on the TV. Ayla ran into the room, jumping onto Jacob. He picked her up, making her smile and giggle.

 ‘’Daddy! Stop!’’ She shouted, smiling. He put her down, then she sat on his stomach.

 ‘’What up princess?’’ He asked. They began to have a conversation between the two of them. Their conversations are the weirdest thing ever but that’s them. I heard Anthony crying. I got up, walking out of the bedroom to his nursery. I took him out of the crib. He didn’t have a stinky diaper, so he was hungry.

 I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed his bottle, putting it into his mouth. He drank the formula, throwing the bottle across room.

 ‘’Anthony that’s not nice.’’ I walked across the room. I sat Anthony in his bouncer then walked into the kitchen. When I walked back out, he was sitting on the floor. ‘’Anthony, stop jumping stuff.’’ He giggled, grabbing my hair. My phone rang. I got it out of my pocket, answering it.

 ‘’Hey bish!’’ Nala greeted.

 ‘’Hey, what’s up?’’ I asked, putting Anthony back into his bouncer.

 ‘’Nothing much, I wanna see my little Anthony.’’ She said.

 ‘’Come on over. Anthony over here jumping out of his bouncer.’’ I chuckled, watching Anthony struggle.

 ‘’Ok.’’ She hung up. I sat down on the floor, beside Anthony. I took him out, putting him on his leg. I let him go, and he fell down. I put him back on his leg. He walked a little bit then fell on his face.

 ‘’You walked!’’ I shouted, pecking his lip. He giggled, grabbing onto my hair. I put him back onto the floor. There was a knock on the door. ‘’Come on Nala!’’ I shouted. The door opened and I seen Nala.

 ‘’Hey Anthony.’’ She cooed, taking him from me.

 ‘’He walked just before you got here.’’ I informed her. She squealed, putting him back onto the floor. She sat down. He sat down on the floor, then crawled over to me.

 '’Fine Anthony don’t walk for aunty Nala.’’ She pouted. He giggled, spitting up a little. I took his spit rag, wiping his mouth and chin.

 ‘’Nana.’’ He mumbled, crawling toward her. My child’s first words were Nana.

 ‘’It was suppose to be mama not nana.’’ I pouted.

 ‘’Don’t be a hater cuz’ my little stink-stink likes his aunty better than his mommy.’’ She took him into her arms. I flicked her off then took my baby from her.

 ‘’I thought you love me.’’ He grabbed my finger, pulling it. I poke out my lip, he pecked my lip. I smiled, throwing him into the air then caught him. He was giggling. At the end of the day, this is what’s important.

What do you think? It’s over for this book but go check on my other books. Leave a comment, vote, follow, and leave feedback.-Daniella

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