Chapter Seventeen

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Kae’lynn Rodriguez

 Ayla and I were sitting in the bedroom I share with Jacob. We were watching Spongebob on Nickelodeon. Ayla opened up to Jacob and I. She loves when Jacob sings to her.

 ‘’Mama, juice.’’ She said, standing up on the bed. I got up, grabbing her and placing her on my side. I walked out of the bedroom, downstairs to the kitchen. Jacob was back at work. I sat her in the white high chair. I grabbed her sippy cup, filling it up with apple juice. I handed it to her. She sipped on her cup. I heard the door open. Jacob sat down his keys, walking over to Ayla.

 ‘’Hey baby girl.’’ He gave her a peck on the cheek. He walked over to me, pecking my lips. He rubbed on my belly.

 ‘’How was work?’’ I asked.

 ‘’I sold a house today.’’ He said, sitting down. I smiled, taking out a plate I made for him. I sat it in front of him.

 ‘’It’s chicken and rice.’’ I said. He smiled, pecking my cheek. I took Ayla out of the chair, walking into the living room. There was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door, opening it. Nala stood in front of us.

 ‘’Give me my niece.’’ Nala said, taking Ayla from me. I smiled, closing the door. Nala walked over to the living room, sitting down. I walked over to the couch, sitting down.

 ‘’Nana.’’ Ayla said, grabbing onto Nala’s hair. I looked down to see that the carpet was wet.

 ‘’Do you pee on yo’self?’’ Nala asked.

 ‘’I think I’m in labor.’’ I said, calmly.

 ‘’Jacob! Yo’ girlfriend is in labor!’’ Nala shouted, helping me up. Jacob ran into the living room, looking panicked. He ran upstairs, leaving me in a state of confusion. He came back with my bag. Nala and Jacob helped me out of the house to Jacob’s Benz. Nala took out the carseat, putting it in her Ferrari. I closed the door, not feeling pain.

 ‘’Baby are you good?’’ He asked.

 ‘’Yeah, if it wasn’t for my water breaking I’ve would have had the baby on our carpet.’’ I said. He pulled off. I wasn’t feeling nothing. Jacob pulled up to the hospital. I got out, waddling inside. I signed in, taking the gown. They called a wheelchair for me. I sat down, as the wheeled me to the maternity ward.

 They wheeled me into a room. I got up, waddling to the bathroom. I stripped, changed into the gown, and got onto the bed. I put legs on the prompts. Jacob walked into the room.

 ‘’Baby girl, you good?’’ He asked. I nodded, looking up at him.

 ‘’Baby just know I love you and thank you for giving us our child.’’ I said, smiling. The doctor walked into the room.

 ‘’Ok, let’s get started.’’ He said.

 [Twenty Hours Later]

 I’ve never been in so much pain in my life. I’m eight centimeters dilated, meaning I have two more centimeters to go. Jacob was by my side, trying to calm me down.

 ‘’Shut up Jacob!’’ I snapped, laying back down. I was sweaty, tired, and hungry. My hair was a fucking mess. Jacob just backed away, running his fingers through his afro. Nala walked into the room.

 ‘’How is she?’’ She asked Jacob.

 ‘’She’s in pain and I need to get some coffee.’’ He said. She nodded.

 ‘’Go ahead, I’ll be here with her.’’ She said. Jacob pecked my lip, then walked out of the room. ‘’How you feelin’?’’ She asked.

 ‘’I’m in fucking pain Nala damn.’’ I snapped, screaming after. I felt like I was dying.

 '‘Ok, Ms. Rodriquez you are ready to bring your girl or boy into the world.’’ The doctor said. I  pushed, hoping that Jacob walk through the door. Jacob walked in with big eyes. He ran over to me, grabbing onto my hand. I pushed again, laying back.

 ‘’Baby I wanna ask you something.’’ Jacob said.

 ‘’What the hell could you possibly ask me while I’m in labor?’’ I asked, looking at him. He got down on one knee.

 ‘’Will you marry me?’’ He asked. I pushed, then heard a cry. I nodded. He slid the ring onto my finger. He got up, walking down to our baby.

 ‘’It’s a boy!’’ The doctor announced. I smiled, as they handed me my baby boy.

 ‘’Anthony Jacob Perez.’’ I smiled, pecking our little boy’s nose. Jacob looked like he was about to cry. Nala walked over to me, taking Anthony.

‘’Baby.’’ Jacob cried. I hugged him tightly. I began to cry thinking of when he proposed. This was the most wonderful day of my life .

In & Out of Love [Princeton]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz