Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Rachel's Point Of Veiw

The door burst open, and in walked my lunatic mother.

''Tell Me!'' She squealed like a little girl, falling onto the couch beside me.

I rolled my eyes, ''You're so childish sometimes,Mom!'' I whined

I showed her the picture the doctor gave me, she stared at it for a long time. Soon, tears rolled down her face. I laid my head on her shoulder and we stared at my son.

''He'll be great,'' Mom whispered.

I nodded,''Danny's so proud. He's already gotten started on the nursery.''

My mother kept smiling, love shinning proudly in her eyes.

''Where's dad?'' I asked her,


He cleared his throat,''I'm right here, kitten. Uhmm ..I think we need to talk. Let's go for a ride,eh?''

I nodded and slipped on my fuzzy slippers, I couldn't get up because of my big belly. Dad grabbed my hand and helped me up.

I was a little bit nervous. We hadn't talked much in a while.

''Okay.'' I said.

We walked out to his car, we rode in it the day we met. I remember that day, because it's marked in my heart forever.

''I know you're not exactly happy with my choices. But I want you to know that I'm happy. I love Danny, and he loves me. And now I've finally found the last piece of the puzzel, my son. Yes, we may have rushed it. But there's nothing I regret.'' I told him, everything I meant. Everything came straight from my heart.

''I know you'll be a great mother. I know it. I guess I'm just worried about what could happen. I've just found you, I don't want to lose you again. You're my daughter, my blood, I don't know what I'd do without you in my life now that you're in it. I know you and Danny are meant to be together. You're right, you are too young. I think you did rush into it. You fell in love with Danny, hard and too fast. You got married too fast. And now you're pregnant. I just don't want you to rush through everything.'' He told me sincerely, and I knew he meant everything he was saying too.

''I fell in love with Danny so fast and so hard, because I was meant too. I got married becacuse I love him with everything I have. I'm pregnant because God wants me to bring this child into the world. He gave Danny and I thins blessed gift, and I can't deny him. I already love my son. The way you love me Daddy, that's the way I love my child. Maybe we did rush things, maybe it was meant to be that way. That's my dad, I run through my life, I don't walk. If I did, I'd miss too much. If I did, I wouldn't be me. And I can't not me.'' I said, trying to make him understand.

''Yeah, well I wouldn't want you to be anyone else either. You're pretty damn special just by being you.'' He said softly. He took me into his arms, I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head.

I heard sobbing,''That's so sweet!'' My mom cried as she blew her nose loudly.

I couldn't help but laugh at the woman.

''No privacy,what so ever.'' I muttered.

Rachel Lexington:My Life As A New Mommy -Sequel 2Where stories live. Discover now