Chapterr 11 Is Here!

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Well I promisedd you suprises..(:

Chapter 11<33

We got back to the hotel, I was freakin' tired. Danny and I went to our room and laid in bed together. He put his arms around me, and I sunk into his chest. I loved the feelings he gave me. I was so in love with him. He kissed my forehead,''Have I told you today, how beautiful you are?'' Aww, do you see how lucky I am to have such a perfect guy?

I giggled as I felt his lips trail down my neck. ''I love you.'' I felt his breath on my skin. He touch still sends a shock down my body.

''I love you too.'' I smiled.

Someone knocked on the door,''Rachel?''

Danny let me go and went to open the door.

''It's your Mom and Dad,Rach.'' Danny announce.

My parents walked in. I raised my eyebrows.

''Need something?'' I asked.

''What would make you think we need something?'' My mom asked with her hands behind her back, looking like an innocent little girl.

''Yeah, we just came to hang out our daughter and our favorite son-in-law.'' My dad said as he gave Danny a noogie.

''Favorite? I'm your only.'' Danny chuckled.

''That's what you think.'' Dad joked.

Me and Mom laughed. I loved my family.

''Okay, guys don't break anything. We don't live here, remember?'' Mom warned them

Danny and Dad played around and started wrestling on the floor.

Then someone else knocked on the door. Danny slipped out of my Dad's grip and ran to the door.

''Uhmm ..can I help you?'' I heard him say to whoever was at the door.

''I'm looking for John Corbin..'' I heard an uneasy voice say.

Dad stood up and walked to the door.

''That would be me.'' Dad said.

I got up and walked to the door too.

There was a girl, about 16 or 17. She had long brown hair and green eyes me. And my dad.

Rachel Lexington:My Life As A New Mommy -Sequel 2Where stories live. Discover now