'Fine... But make sure you don't do this stupidity again... Okay...?' he said authoritatively and she smiled nodding

'Thank you so so much Aayan, I would've lost the...' she began but he cuts her off in between

'I will never let you lose sweetheart, you have suffered enough because of me, now it's my turn to make you the happiest woman in this earth, who gets everything she wants...' he smiled and tears filled her eyes

'You know I can't wipe them here, so please don't let them fall...' Aayan said and she chuckled wiping her tears

'Aayan, your flight has been booked at 6:30 today...' Alex informs him and he nods

'Where are you going...?' Ananya asks bewildered

'I need to meet the investors in Hyderabad tomorrow, and explain to them about the recent loss in this case, and assure them that I will reimburse the loss to them ASAP...' Aayan said scratching his head, he looked uncomfortable...

Ananya felt bad after listening this, and she looked at him guiltily...

'I am so so sorry, you have to face all this, because of me... I don't know what to say, I mean... You almost won the case, had I paid attention before then, I would've opted out of this case earlier, and you didn't have to do that... I am really sorry Aayan...' she said and Aayan wanted to hug her but he didn't do it...

'You have nothing to do with this sweetheart, Don't Worry, I will take care of it, and anyway it's like blessing in disguise you see...' Aayan smiles holding her hand...

'How...?' She asked

'I wanted to leave this city and go back to our hometown, and I know you want that too... Now that I don't have any land here, we can shift AV Tech to Delhi and live with our family...' Aayan said and Ananya looked at him dazed

'I just want to live with my Papa, Naina mom, Nitaara, You, Big Dad, Ved and Amayraa in our house now, I am done running away from my family... Also we can start our new family there...' He winked saying the last part and she blushed

'Don't worry about my loss, we will celebrate your victory tomorrow as I come back alright... And soon we will leave this place and go back to our family...' Aayan said kissing her knuckles and she looks at him shocked and then looks around to make sure no one saw that..

'Oh screw it ! Now the verdict has been given, no one can challenge it, Murthy got what he wants and I have no shame in saying that MY WIFE DEFEATED ME IN THE CASE....' he yells the last part and Alex who was standing near the car looks at him shocked and so does Ananya who was terrified

'Aayan....' she places her palm over his mouth to shut him up and he looks at her amused

He removes her hands and hugs her kissing her head, she sighs at this, and hugs him back...

'Thank you once again... I love you...' Ananya said and he smiled

'Anything for you...and I love you too...' Aayan says and they leave each other

'Come back soon, I'll miss you...' Ananya says holding his hands

'I'll miss you more...' he kissed her hands

'You really want her to lose the practicing license, don't you...? Leave her now, we got to go... Come...' Alex said and dragged Aayan along with him towards the car and he pouts

Ananya chuckled at this and Aayan blew a kiss towards her, she pretended to catch it and returned it back

'God ! you two... Get in, Idiot...' Alex pushed Aayan inside the car and Then got into the front seat...

I Will Never Be YoursWhere stories live. Discover now