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Natalie 's pov.

I can't believe he just want me to go,,, he is a liar he never loved me as he say anyway

But I know how to stop them signing the adoption papers

I looked at the kid and I was very angry with her,,,

I pretended to fall down and fainted

Hubby dont let her fool us just take her to luhan,,,,,

You think she is faking it

Yes am a mother and I can feel it that she is faking it I swear

I was so angry how can he know am faking it anyway,,,, I hate you baek I thought to myself

I pretended to wake up slowly and saw they were attending that kid and left me on the floor,,,,

No I won't allow it to be treated like this at all

I went outside to see a priest talking to someone,,,,

Priest my parents abandoned me and they want to adopt a child here

What kind of parents are they I won't allow that to happen at all,,,

The priest went and took the naughty kid from baek

You two leave from here you can't even take care of your own daughter

I was smiling when baek pulled me outside

You did it right

Yes I told the priest

You know am so ashamed to give birth to a child like you,,,

You and luhan are the same,,, go to luhan you brat, I regret giving birth to a brat like you

Go to luhan before I say something I will regret you spoiled brat,,,

Am not interested to take you away from luhan you should know that

I know he hates me so much,,,

The hand he was holding me it was hurting me so much,,,

I will take you to luhan now let's go you were crying for him right,, come with me and don't give me that look,,

You are at your house now go inside and I warn you don't come to us Natalie just leave us alone please

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