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Dedicated to fuckmechanyeol
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Kai 's pov.

I went to police and saw there are many cctv,,

I know they won't let me know how that Jackson look like,,,,

I had an idea

I went and buy drinks and put sleeping pills inside,,,

I gave the guards at night and went to the computer room

I started transferring all the footage to my phone

I finished quickly and went home,,,

I have to know what is happening

I went to my room and played the footage

So this is Jackson,,,

I continue watching when I saw him forcing himself on soo,,,

Noooooo this is not happening,,,,

Am going to kill you embicel,

How could you rape soo when he is pregnant,, am going to kill you,,

My children died because of you am going to kill you

Am so sorry soo I will save you I swear I won't let anything bad happen to you,,, am going to kill him

I went and tracked the number that called me yesterday

I arrived there and saw many men with guns surrounding the house,,

No I need to save soo,,, am sorry soo please forgive me I didn't know what you were through

I was thinking when someone hit me and I fall

I opened my eyes to see am tied up

You embicel let go of me,,, am going to kill you if I have a chance

You talk too much

I saw two men bringing soo tied up

I said untie him before I kill all of you

He is mine Kai,,, soo has always been mine and am going to marry him in front of you

No I will kill him

Soo don't let him blackmail you

I love Jackson just accepted it

No you are lying to me,,, you are tied up just like me,, I know the truth

Stop it Kai I never loved you

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