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Kai 's pov.

No you are lying to me soo

Look at me I killed our child do you hear me soo

I pulled him and slapped him really hard,,, how could you kill your own child what kind of a person you are I hate you soo

Am going to make you pay for this,,, I wish I never married you in the first place,,

Am going to divorce you,,,,I don't want anything to do with a murderer like you,,

I hate you how can you kill an innocent child,,, I hate you

I run out without caring

Nooo  it's a dream,,,

I hate you soo

Kai wait

Chanyeol please not now

What happened

He killed our child,,,, he is a murderer

Calm down brother maybe soo lied to you again

No he didn't just go and see,,, I want to divorce him before he get out of jail

Okay we will help you

I went and got divorce papers I signed them and we went to jail

Sign this divorce now I don't want anything to do with you

He didn't say anything but signed the divorce papers and sat down

Thank you so much now I can live in peace

Bro you can proceed with his release but I don't want to see him in my house

No one will bail me out,,, I will not get out,,, I belong here so stop wasting your time,  am a killer am a bad person I need to pay

I wish you rot in here you devil.

Soo 's pov

Since I have no where to go I will stay in jail

I wish my parents were alive today,,,,

Now am going to be alone,, I don't need any treatment,, all I want is to die slowly like my child did

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