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Dedicated to Kpopbaekhyunlover
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Soo 's pov.

I was in the cell when I  saw Kai coming

What are you doing here are you happy am in the cell

Why did you do this soo,, how can you be so heartless

I don't regret anything Kai,,, I did everything for our unborn child

I hate you soo,

Good to know you hate me,,

I won't let you harm my family again

Just leave now I hate you so much

I will take my child away from you I promise that and I will make sure you learn a lesson,,,

Just leave I hate you park Kai

It was at night when I heard someone opening my cell

What do you want

I want to rape you

Please don't am pregnant please have pity on me and my unborn child

Sorry but I can't let you go from me this time

Jackson I don't love you stop this madness

This couldn't have happened if you did not break up with me

Jackson please calm down

Let me see if he will save you through magic

He removed his clothes and removed my clothes fast

Please Jackson don't hurt me am pregnant

He tied me on my mouth,,, I tried to scream but I couldn't

I hated the way he was touching my body,,

I begged him to stop but he did,,

I wake up to see blood flowing down my legs,,

I touched my stomach and it was empty

My child no,,, my baby,,

I want my baby,,, I want my child,, I was screaming out loud

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