Chapter 9.

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Unknown p.o.v

"Gentlemen," I said as I walked through the entrance of the great hall. There were small groups of new recruits positioned in different corners of the hall. I smirked as I saw the frightened looks on their faces. They obviously had no idea what to expect.

It was that time of the year where every unit brought the marked candidates from all over the stations. In total there were twelve kids. Those twelve would undergo ruthless training for nine weeks, each week eliminating the weakest. The three that remain would then proceed to join the kingdom where-

Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first:

I took the last step from the staircase when three heads turned with simultaneous smiles of recognition. I gave them a courteous nod and walked quickly in the other direction before they had a chance to start a conversation.

"Did no one ever teach you that it's rude to walk away from your elders, brother?"

I chuckled at the familiar voice and turned around.

"Son of a whore! You're still alive!" I walked up to him and shook his hand.

"It's gonna take a lot more than you're insults to get rid of me" I chuckled as I released his hand.

"One-on-one match then?" With my left arm over his shoulder, we walked towards the center of the ring where two recruits were practicing their dueling.

"They look stronger and better than the last bunch, eh?" He whispered in my ear.

A group of people had gathered around them in a ring and started cheering. Most of them kept glancing at the two of us. It was no secret that we held the fate of every single person in the arena.

"They all look the same to me: pathetic, as always," I said with a blank look on my face as I took back my arm from his shoulder.

He raised an amused eyebrow at me. "No need to be grumpy. You're ladies will be here sooner than you expect."

"I don't have to hear this," I fumed as I retracted my steps and walked towards the winery table. I felt the dagger seated uncomfortably on my hip. I removed it and weighed it on my hands, inspecting it carefully. I felt my blood rush at the thrill of using it in the field. Out there I could be whoever I wanted. No ranks, no propriety, no expectations of being a leader, just a good guy killing a bad guy.

I scoffed at the thought of calling myself a good guy, but immediately a scowl returned on my face when I saw him through my dagger, approaching me. I gently returned it safely on my hips, and I got a chance to suck down two shots of bicardi before he finally grabbed my shoulders.

"You know you will have to save them all sooner or later."

"Are we talking about my demons or the recruits?"

"They are human beings, you know, and as much as I disagree with Father I think this will be good for both you and the company."

I gave a bitter laugh and faced him. "Spare me the gospel, brother. I know what I have to do."

"Good. They are smoking hot by the way." He winked as he slapped me on the back. His attempt to lighten the mood didn't work.

"Still projects all the same. How is B1012?"

He sighed and mumbled something under his breath then side-stepped around me to pour himself a glass of wine. He took a large gulp and gave me a scrutinizing gaze before taking another one.

"Her name is Oracle."

I stared him down, waiting for him to continue.

"And she's reading her letter right now as we speak, or maybe she already knows. Either way it won't be long before the rat is out of the basket." He shrugged then placed his glass back on the table.

I chuckled. "It's letting the cat out of the bag." I rolled my eyes.

"It's good to know that everything is finally falling into place. See you around, brother."

I slapped his shoulders and jogged towards the ring.

A while later I had seen enough; I knew who I wanted on my team, but first I would make them suffer a bit.

Everyone got out of the way as I passed, and one by one they gave me respectful bows. I kept a blank look on my face pretending I did not see the fake bravado on their faces.

I was half-way to the exit when a voice stopped me. "What do we do about the other issue? He is getting in the way of her transition."

My head turned back as I answered. "Let him be."

"He's stealing her. Slowly...."

This time I turned around."Is he now?" I slowly took my dagger out and toyed with it around my fingers, circling it in a way that always intimidated people.

"Come on, mate. We all knew from the start that the Gisbornes-"

"Yes, I know, but then again we also know that they will never stand a chance." I flipped the dagger to my left and slowly crouched to the ground. I took my time inspecting the writings on the floor. The hall was now quiet, everyone waiting to hear what I had say next.

I slowly raised my head. "The girl, she's Kaiser's daughter." It was not a question. "Therefore, do nothing. Let Gisborne give it his best shot."

I smirked then with a flash I rose and threw the dagger straight at one of the opponent's chest in the ring. It landed a few inches from his heart. "Gentlemen." I clapped my hands as everyone gasped.

"Let the games begin."

And i say... Let the story begin! haha..

And ofcourse a lovely thanks to my cool friend Sweet_Shadow.. for making that beautiful cover!..

I would love to hear your thoughts people... And don't forget to slap that vote button on your way foward.. Lol!


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