Chapter 6 part 1.

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"And for the next lesson we will be discussing on the actors of International relations. I believe that is enough for today. Unless anybody has a question?"

Lecturer David stood behind his desk, hands on his seat as he looked around the classroom and waited for a question. He was a short man with blond hair and wore spectacles that came just above his nose. He raised his crocked eyebrows at the class. Finally giving up, he gave a tired sigh.

"Alright then, you are all dismissed." Before he finished people were already scrambling out of class.

I lowly chuckled at the sudden eagerness and brightness of students that erupted after being dismissed. I took my time at arranging my books in my bag pack. It was my second week in university, and so far the best institution I had been since kindergarten. No one seemed to care of what you did. Attending class was optional, you could come late and no one would give you detention. As much as I was happy about that, I was still punctual and had attended all classes so far. It was the fact that I had an option on what I did that made me happy.

I was smiling when I finally stood from my seat, heading towards the exit.

"Miss. Kaiser?" I turned around to face the Lecturer.

"Yes Sir?"

"Please help me collect the books on the desks."

"Okay." I placed my bag pack on one of the chairs and proceeded to gather the books.

"You don't have a class after this, right?"

"No sir, my next class is in the afternoon. Where do I place them?" I gestured to the books on my hands.

"Please call me Dave, and just bring those books over here."

I placed them on his desk and faced him with a polite smile.

"With all due respect sir, calling you by your first name sounds weird. How about Sir. Dave?"

He turned on his chair and looked at me before he laughed shaking his head. I noticed that he didn't look old at all. The glasses aside, he could easily pass as one of the students.

"My, aren't you a sweet one." He said with mischief in his eyes.

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow confusedly.

"Nothing darl- I mean, Kaiser."

There was something off about how he said my sir name.

"Please call me Oracle sir."

"Only if you call me Dave. I mean, everyone in this place calls me Dave. This is not high school Oracle." He gave me a look that made me want to run and hide. I don't know why I felt intimidated by that look. Paranoia kicking in RI... I mentally kicked myself

"O- of course Sir, I mean, Dave. "

"Brilliant!" He clasped his hands and turned his attention back to the stack of papers on his desk.

"Now run along to your next class darling."

I wanted to remind him that I didn't have a class and also reprimand him for calling me darling. But my feet had other ideas as I found myself quickly picking up my bag and heading out of the class. I almost made it out.

"And Oracle," My back was facing him when I froze on spot. "Try not to loose that sweet charm."

He cleared his throat.

"It is a rare thing to find here in universities". I released a breathe didn't know I was holding.

"Sure thing, Dave."

And with that I got out of the class, and was immediately greeted by the noisy corridor with students laughing, others playfully chasing each other and others making out. I lowly laughed at the sight of all that. A feeling of happiness washing over me. I held my bag closer and started walking through with a smile on my face.

Two weeks, and it was already feeling like home.

The thought of home reminded me that I was grounded for three more days. A punishment for drinking alcohol. I tried to explain to Ma that it was not my fault, but she said it was my lesson to never be naïve again. At some level I agreed with her, I mean it was my fault for being stupid and believing that I was drinking herbs at a party. The more i thought about it and the more I realized how foolish I had been, and blindly trusting my friend. It still hurt to think of what she did, but I had forgiven her.

One, we had known each other for many years to ruin a friendship over a stupid herb joke. Secondly, well it's because I knew she was going to pay for it. All thanks to my guardian best friend. Nay.

A bright smile came over my face as I passed the lobby and headed towards the library. He had vowed to make Maya pay for what she did, and I believed him. Not that he would physically harm her, no. I knew that he was coming up with a prank for her that will leave me cracking up and a burden of reuniting them once again.

Life sure was happy.

I arrived at the library, gave out my identification pass to the security guard that was allowing us inside. He motioned for me to get in, I entered and was greeted by the smell of books. Did I mention I was happy? I went straight to the literature section, in the mood of reading Shakespeare.

So far, in all my classes we had not been given assignments yet. So mostly i came to the library when I had nothing to do, and waited for my next class. I picked a Shakespeare book and headed to my usual seat.

It was at a corner, and had the only window that opened. I took a seat and got my water from my bag. Soon, I was caught up in the life of Shakespeare and forgot all about my surroundings. In my own little world, that later on I was not aware when someone came and sat across me.

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."

A small smile curved on my lips behind my book, I cleared my throat. Not glancing at the person who I now knew was across me.

"Aye, a fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."

I smiled and slowly placed my book on the desk. I faced the smirk that now had a way of jolting my heart every time I saw it. Two weeks without seeing those silver gray eyes, I was afraid of jumping on him on spot.

"Ah. Someone knows their poetry..." He winked at me, all the heat started rushing on my face. That look should be illegal.


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