Chapter 5 part 2.

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"What are you doing here?". I asked confused, but at the same time i was happy.

"Do you not want me here?" He feigned being hurt as he motioned with his hand for a drink.

"Tequila please, and another for the lady.."

"No thanks I do not drink"

"And what is that?" He motioned to my empty glass.

"Ri! Where are your manners!" Maya cut me off before i could explain.

She walked and stood in front of Oliver's seat, blocking my view.

"Hi! My name is Maya." She held out her hand to him.

I arched my head to view his reaction. A part of me was checking to see if he would like her. I mean, who wouldn't want her?

 I was glad when i saw a friendly smile from him when he took her hand, i smiled relieved.

"My name is.."

"Oliver, i know. I have heard a lot about you in just one day. I won't bullshit you, you hurt my gal i castrate your balls. I don't care whether you have that cute face and smile. Mark my words Oliver, i can and will disfigure you if you so much as make her cry." She put alot of emphasis on the last sentence.

 His eyes widened with surprise, i could tell he got his warning. I widely smiled, Maya with her awesome attitude could make a guy chase for the hills.

"Now that the formalities are done with, buy me a drink so that i can leave you two alone." She glanced at me and winked. "Lovebirds"

"How about i buy you a drink?"

Maya's posture tensed and she slowly turned around.

"Nate?" Surprise and hurt was etched in her voice. She turned around and found him holding two filled glasses. He wore his infectious adorable smile.

"In the flesh pumpkin"  The next thing i heard was a hard whack sound from the slap she gave Nate. Gasps filled the hall and the music slightly died down. Shocked filled everyone's faces except for Nate. He stood still as though nothing had happened, the only evidence was Maya's hand etched on his face. I was rooted to my seat.

"Nathaniel Drew Grayson finally decided to grace us with his presence from his high and mighty life eh?!" She stepped closer to him, there face a few inches apart.

"You are a selfish piece of shit! You should not have come back!"

She pushed him out of her way which resulted to the filled glasses pouring on his shirt. She quickly  ran and disappeared in the crowd. I wanted to run after her..

"I will go after her." Nate placed the glasses on the bar and  ran towards her direction. The music returned to it's full blast and the crowd went on dancing, screaming and laughing as though nothing had happened.

"Well that was eventful." I sighed and rubbed the sides of my head. A slow headache was developing.

"I gotta go." I stood up, i almost tripped but Oliver held my arm.

"Here i'll help you. Lets go outside."

We made our way through the crowd and the long stairs, i was about to give up when he ushered a door open and a cool breeze hit my face.

We were in a balcony. I walked straight to touch the rails, the cold feel of it made me feel better. I closed my eyes and took a deep long breathe and slowly exhaled as i opened my eyes.

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