Chapter 5 part 3.

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“Nate!” I squealed excitedly and ran towards him. I Wrapped my hands around his neck, hugged him tightly then released him.

“Up! Up!” I motioned for him to carry me. He just stared at me like I didn’t know what I was saying.

“Come on you said you like to show off that you work out. Now Carry me!” I ordered. He lifted my chin up then examined my face.

“You’ve been drinking.” He stated. He then looked behind me.

“What did you give her?” He asked in a menacing tone, releasing my hand he stepped beside me and walked towards Oliver’s direction.

“Tell me Gisborne before I send you back to your hell-hole and by God you will be lucky if it is in one piece.” They were now face to face. Nate was furious while Oliver was, calm. He did not even flinch at his threat. He simply gave a bored sigh then flexed his shoulders. Damn that was hot.

“Drew chill out. I am sure you don’t want to make a scene in front of the beautiful lady behind you.” He smirked and gave me a side glance. Nate’s hands were curled up in a fist, I knew I had to stop it. With a determined look I went behind him and jumped. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck loosely.

“I told you to carry me!” I whined as I adjusted my position. He immediately wrapped his hands on my legs and positioned me better.

“What are you doing Ri?” He frustratingly asked. I bent and whispered on his ear.

“Let’s go home I am tired. Please Nay.”  I inwardly smiled as I felt Nate relax. He gave a defeated sigh and started walking back towards the house. I quickly waved Oliver when Nate started walking fast.

“Okay, let’s get you home before mum calls and...”

“Whoops your ass?” I finished for him. We were now walking down the stairs. He chuckled.

“Whooping my ass? That will be an easy pass considering your high drunk, I will be lucky if I have my ass tomorrow morning!” He exclaimed and I busted into laughter.

“Yeah you are right, but I am not that drunk am i?” He cast me a side look.

“You wreck of alcohol Ri, what did he give you?” We were now passing our way through people in the lounge. Most gave us weird looks, especially girls. I guess its all because of the hot hunk that was currently giving me a piggyback.

“You’re hot.” I confessed. Wow, where did that courage come from? I thought. I could feel his surprise at my outburst, not wanting to hear his reply...

“And Oliver didn’t give me anything. I t was M.”

“Hold up, M? As in May?” We had now reached the exit, I stretched and opened the large door. He refused to move and waited for my confirmation.

“Yes Nay, it was May. Not June July or October.” I laughed at my own joke while he finally got us out of the mansion

“She told me it was herbs and since it looked clear as water I drank it. That b.i.t.c.h fooled me! She fooled us all!” I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air dramatically. We were now walking towards the car, when we almost approached...

“Shotgun!” I yelled. “Shotgunshotgunshotgunshotgun...”

“Jee Ri, shut up. You are an annoying drunk. “He said putting me down. I folded my arms around me.

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