Chapter 6 part 2.

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First off.. A big Thanks! And shout-out to #Primaproulla

You are truly Amazing Anna!

Okay, without further-uh-do.


"WHAT?! Take that back Oliver!" He chuckled humorlessly and dramatically took another bite of his chocolate.

"Nope!" He went on walking leisurely through the hallway, leaving my mouth gaping wide. I was growing frustrated with his denial, and, oh, how I wish I could shove that chocolate down his throat! I took large steps to catch up. I grabbed his arm and stood in front of him with a serious face.

"Say it!"

"Say what Princess?" He innocently cocked his eyebrow.

Innocent my foot!

"Sam is hot! Admit it already!"

"No, he is not," he said it in an 'are you ridiculous' voice.

"Argh! Dammit Ol. You are unbelievable!" I stopped in the hallway to yell on his face. "And before you try taking that as a compliment it isn't!" I stomped my foot and slapped his chest before walking away. I admit: it was rather dramatic but seriously. This guy is pompous, cocky, frustrating, aggravating, okay?! You get what I'm trying to say: he is an ass. Simple.

It's been a few hours since he showed up at the library. We started chatting about Shakespeare at first, then it lead to other interesting and funny books we've both read. There was a lot of giggling in between. After several warnings, we were chased out of the library. I was so proud of myself for finally breaking the law. I voiced my thoughts to Oliver which lead to him bursting out in laughter at my "breaking the law" definition. At first, I was tempted to get angry at him, but then I realized that it was the first time I heard his laugh. *sigh* A melody it was!

The conversation swiftly continued as we talked about everything in general. It gave me an opportunity to learn more about him and to completely take in the school as we walked around. I was surprised he knew almost everything about it; it was a huge school.

I was hurriedly walking, about to round a corner, when my arm was gently grabbed.

"Ri, hold up. I'm sorry." Oliver gave me an adorable smile.

Awww, who can say no to that face? I had a sudden urge to affectionately pinch his cheeks. "And?" I stretched the word to gesture for him to continue.

"And yes. Sam is hot, hotter than Dean," he said while rolling his gorgeous eyes.

"Gee Ol, have you ever watched Supernatural?" I gave him an incredulous look.

He simply shrugged and removed another chocolate from his leather jacket. "First off, I am pretty sure if I gave names on the ladies that appear on Supernatural and asked you which one was hot, you wou-"

" - Genevieve! A.k.a. Ruby!"

He gave me a lopsided grin. "Aha! Exactly my point. Wow, you even know her real name, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. He just continued munching on his chocolate.

"Jesus Christ, Oliver! How do you not get fat? You've eaten like six of those now!" I lightly hit his head like I had known him for a long time.

"You're just jealous," he chuckled and threw the wrapper at a bin that was a few feet away.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I am jealous. Nice shot by the way." I gestured to the wrapper that had perfectly entered the bin.

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