"as much as i love you, we can't be together. i'm a hybrid, why would you want to be with me?"

"i don't care what you are, as long as you're mine."

she isn't your typical hybrid, and he isn't your typical human.

y/l/n y/n, a hybrid that has been through so many situations that shaped her to become how she is.

park jimin, a man who is the manager and executive of production in a successful accounting firm.


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she sprinted through the trees, trying to get as far away as possible from the place she use to call home. her ears were ringing, the faint sound of an alarm blaring stuck in her mind. her white and grey coat glistened under the moon as she emerged from the forest, and she found herself in the middle of a city.

suddenly feeling small among the tall buildings, she flattened her ears against her head, slinking among the shadows into an alleyway. lifting her snout, she inhaled, relaxing in satisfaction when no other scents of any animals reached her nose.

she crawled into a huge cardboard box, tucking her tail and paws in to avoid being seen as she closed her eyes, sleep engulfing her.


a boy walked through the alleyway with his two friends, laughing to stories they told each other. suddenly, one of them stopped, staring at the cardboard box that were a few meters away from them. his friends turned to look at him, tilting their heads in confusion, "hajoon? what's wrong?"

he pointed at the box, where just barely, he could see a tail that had a grey base, which faded into a pure white.

"oh shit, that's a wolf," dong min muttered as he backed away from it, hiding behind hajoon while the eldest went to check, "daehyun, what are you doing?" he hissed.

dae kneeled next to the box, peeking in to see a wolf sleeping peacefully.

then its ice blue eyes flashed open, causing him to fly back as he scrambled back to his friends, watching as the wolf crawled out, the fur on its spine bristling. it lifted its head and tilted it to the side, letting out a low growl as the fur around its snout begun to change. the white and grey fur darkened into a ebony black, the fluffy tail smoothing into a lithe and black one.

it was fair to say that it wasn't a wolf anymore.

instead, a panther with bright yellow eyes stood in its place.

"holy shit!" they yelled, "what the fuck is that?"

they bolted out from the alleyway, dong min whipping out his phone and calling animal control. seeing this, dae slapped his phone out of his hand, glaring at him, "dude! that's a hybrid, you have to call the hybrid center."

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