'Yes Maa...' Ananya answers

'All the best beta, Do your best, don't worry about the results okay...?' Naina says and Ananya smiled

'Maa, this case... It's very complicated...' She sighs

'There is no obstacle that my daughter cannot cross okay, I know you will find a way and do the right thing...' Naina said and Ananya takes a deep breath

'Okay Maa.... I will try my best....' She says

'Don't be nervous baby, you will be fine okay...?'

'Yes Maa...' Ananya smiled

'Good...Tell me everything what happened, in the evening alright...!' Naina exclaimed happily

'Yes Maa...I need to go now...' Ananya says

'Okay... All the best baby... I love you.. Byee....' Naina says

'Bye Maa... Love you too...' Ananya says and she hears Arjun and Jai's voices in the background..

'Stop fighting both of you, you are not  kids anymore...' she hears Naina scolding them and the line goes silent

Ananya walks towards her people and sees Ila and Varun approaching

'Which chamber did we get...?' Deepak asks and they look nervously towards them 

'We got Judge Rekha Sahay's chamber, Room number 21...' Ila said and Ananya looks at Deepak questioningly

'What's the matter sir...?' Ananya asks

'Nothing, it's just that Justice Sahay, doesn't believe in giving further dates, she gives judgement immediately, and yes she can be a bit scary, but no need to get nervous, we are well prepared...' Deepak replied and Bikram looks at him bewildered

'Sir, she will eat Ananya alive, if she makes any mistake ! Don't be scared with Aayan's hi fi lawyer Ananya, be scared of the devil sitting on the judge's chair...' He says and Deepak hits him

'Don't make her nervous, she already is...' Ila scolds him

'No it's okay, so many challenges in my very first case...' Ananya says and her colleagues chuckle

'Don't worry you will be fine...' Deepak assures her and they head towards the courtroom

Room 21

Ananya was about to get inside, when Alex sees spots her and calls

'Ananya !' he calls and she turns to look at him

'Hey Alex...!' she smiles

'Aayan told me you have your first case today, I wanted to wish all the best...' Alex said and Ananya gets nervous at this again

'Thanks... You have a case here too...?' She asks

'No, I mean yes, it's not my personal case... I am here to represent our firm here, we have today's date too...' Alex said and Ananya could feel her heart beating

'Aayan won't come...?' She asks nervously

'No, he never deals with these land related cases, it's all me and Kartik... Earlier I used to come here with Mr. Joshi, but now I am here with Rishi our new legal advisor, he was hired after your marriage, so I guess you never met....?' He asked and Ananya nods uncomfortably

She very well knows who Rishi is...

'I can't find him' *Looks around* 'I'll introduce you guys after our case, it's almost time...' Alex says looking at the watch

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