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Jimin stared into the deep, black eyes of the fluffy white cat sitting on the shelf in front of him, tilted slightly and leaning against the blue bunny to the left of it, it's threaded lips painted in a straight, almost bored line, little limbs all sprawled out, and he couldn't help but awe at it's tiny button nose.

He couldn't help but think that it reminded him of the certain pale skinned boy he was here with, narrow eyes, disinterested expression, a sassy remark always waiting on his pink lips.

He wanted it.

It had been a long time since Jimin had a stuffie, a long time since he'd been able to hold one, and cuddle with one at night when he had nightmares without it being ripped away from him, or being told or scolded that it was childish, and stupid, that he was stupid, and so he'd thrown all of his stuffies away.

It hurt to say goodbye to his favorite stuffed animals, some he'd had since he was a child, given to him by old friends and deceased family members, but he thought it would be worth it.

It would be worth it if in the end he could be loved again.

Except he wasn't, he was still doing everything wrong.

And he really wanted a stuffie.

He sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat, and mouth forming a pout as his chest churned with frustration, his knees pressing to the tiled floor of the supermarket, the cold sinking through the fabric of his jeans, humming thoughtfully as he grasped the cat between his soft palms, turning it over in his fingers with a gentle smile.


His head shot up, dyed pink bangs falling into his eyes as they rapidly filled with burning panic, gaze coming to rest at the worried boy who had snuck up on him without him realizing.

"H-hyung..." He stuttered, frowning and subconsciously clutching the cat tighter in his anxiety.

Yoongi couldn't help the grin that tugged at his lips as he studied him, dwarfed by his oversized pastel blue sweater, waves of pink hair framing his fearful face, mocha eyes wide, and small hands holding that stuffed animal.


He kneeled down beside him, eyes crinkling at the edges as he gave him a rare gummy smile.

"What is it Jiminie? Do you like the cat?"

Jimin blushed darkly, hesitantly nodding in response, and Yoongi laughed lightly, patting the cat on the head and stroking its ears.

"I-it l-looks like y-you..." Jimin explained nervously, barely resisting the urge to bite his already ripped finger tips, and as if reading his mind, Yoongi's warm hand suddenly enveloped his, holding it still before it began to tremble, unconsciously lifting to his lips.

"Hm, it does, does it?" He mused quietly, tracing soothing patterns over his palm. "Do you want to buy it?"

Jimin gasped at the proposal, a sharp intake of breath stinging in his throat, staring at Yoongi with utterly disbelieving eyes.

"I-I...I c-can?" He murmured, shock lacing his stumbling words. "I-It's not s-stupid?"

Yoongi's heart ached in his chest, another surge of anger rising for the person who made Jimin think such things, but he shoved it down as best as he could, pulling Jimin into his warmth as he helped him up, threading their fingers together.

"Of course it's not stupid sweetheart," He reassured him softly as they approached the counter, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with you. Never be afraid to ask me for something okay?"

Jimin nodded, giggling breathlessly as heat crept up his neck, heartbeat thudding in his ears.

Yoongi quickly paid for all of their stuff, hanging the plastic bags from his wrists, and pressing the stuffed cat into his hands gently, wrapping an arm around his slender waist as they walked back to his car.

"What are you going to name him?" He asked as Jimin played with his furry legs, and booped his button nose, quiet laughter spilling from his mouth.

He turned to him with a gorgeous smile, eyes becoming shining crescent moons, and Yoongi felt everything in him aching for Jimin in a way he couldn't explain.

"I'm going to name him Yoonie."

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