The meeting

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Matthew was sitting in his room staring at the wall in front of him. A frown settled on his pale chapped lips.


Matthew blinked out of his stated and grabbed his phone and looked at the text message from his boss.

There is a world meeting starting tomorrow til Friday and you are hosting.

Be here by 7:25 sharp.

Matthew groaned at this and got up from his bed and started getting his presentation ready for the week of long boring meetings where nothing gets done and where Matthew gets ignored.

"Why does my boss always let me know last minute.... like would it kill him to let me know a week in advance. Alfred's boss reminds him everyday for goodness sake's!" Matthew muttered.

"Who are you?" Kumajaja asked.

"Canada, the guy who feeds you or Matthew Williams. Your owner." Matthew sighed.

"Oh, Feed me."

Matthew watch his polar bear walk out of the room and he just sighed and left to make supper.


Matthew was sitting in the world conference room and was making sure that there were enough chairs for everyone and extra just encase some get destroyed during the week. The building staff had prepared food and drinks for the meeting and Matthew made sure that there were plenty due to some of the nations -Alfred- like to pig out on some of the food.

The door opened to reveal Sealand sneaking in and hiding under the table. Matthew blinked before walking over to were Sealand was and knelt down and saw the Micro-nation sitting there looking bored. Matthew love talking to some of the Micro's since they usually come to him for sweets.

"Do you want Some headphones and my 3DS to keep you busy, Sealand?" Matthew asked.

Sealand whipped his head towards the Canadian and nodded. Matthew never liked dissing the Micro's and always thought that it would be good for them to learn what nation's have to do... even though they never get anything done with the fighting going on.

"Oh yes please! Canada!" Sealand chirped.

Another thing to add to the list of reasons of liking the Micro's they don't get his name wrong or thinks he's America. Matthew pulled out his headphones and 3DS and gave them to the happy blond. The Canadian then finished setting everything up from the computer that is always ignored to having everything straightened out so Germany doesn't lose his cool.

Matthew sat down just in time for the nations to come in. There were the Italian twins, the German brothers, Spain, China, Japan, Russia, England, France, America, the Nordic's, and Korea. Matthew silently prayed that Russia wouldn't sit on him this time and find a different spot, thankfully Russia sat on the other end of the table next to China.

"YOU GIT!!" Arthur shouted.

Matthew glanced at Arthur and saw that Alfred had split some of his drink on him, Francis was laughing the same with Gilbert and Antonio. Alfred grabbed some napkins from his jacket and offered them to the fuming Brit and smiled sheepishly at him.

"You have no respect for anyone you stupid git! How dumb are you! I didn't raise you to be such a slob!" Arthur spat.

Matthew sighed as Alfred laughed at this.

"Everyone shut up and sit down and let the meeting begin!" Ludwig shouted.

Everyone sat down in their spots and waited for the meeting to begin. Peter tugged on Matthews pant leg causing the Canadian to look down to see the micro pointing to the backpack then pointed to his mouth. Matthew knew that it was a silent plea for sweets, so he nodded and watched as Peter grab his bag and fished out the sweets. Then a loud voice shouted.

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