Rockerfeller Center with Calum Hood.

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I wake up on Calum's arm.
"Hey" Calum says and kisses me.
"You've been waiting for me?" I ask and smile.
"Yeah, you're very sleepy" He says and laughs careful. It's a little embarrassing.
"So what are we going to do in NYC today?" I ask and are kissing playfully.
"Maybe going up in Empire State Building? Rockerfeller Center? Taking our team with us so we can get some awesome photos?" He asks and kisses me softly on my cheek.
"Maybe night time in Empire State Building and daytime in Rockerfeller center?" I ask and smile. He nods and we get up of the bed. I put my pink morning shorts on and a black tank top. I'm holding his hand. He has some shorts on and no shirt. We're watching the view from our window. Not a specially good view, but thousands of fans out of the hotel.
"Shall we open?" I ask and smile.
"Yeah sure" He says and he opens it. First he looks out if it and they're screaming extremely. Then I look out on them and they're screaming even more.
"WE LOVE YOU !!!!!!!" They're screaming really loud. They take photos, and then we're start to kiss. They're screaming the most loudly now. They're taking pictures and we're giving air kisses to them. Then we close the window and get some breakfast from the room service. It's good. Then we take our car to Rockerfeller Center, I'm really scared of heights so Calum takes my hand. He hired the whole observation deck for something like a photoshoot. I wear my pink shirt where it stands:"WILD" with a golden text
And shorts.
When we get up there, it's actually not scary at all, it's beautiful. Stunning view. Calum gives me a kiss on my cheek and then hug me.
"Wow, it's so.. Wow" I say and looking around. See the Freedom tower and Empire State Building in front of me. It's beautiful.
"I know, it's indescribable" Calum says looking over my head. He's tall, almost as tall as Luke.
"Let's take the pictures guys" The photographer says.
"Can we please just enjoy the view first?" I say and Calum wraps his arms around my waist. I take my right arm and wraps it around his neck. We're just watching the view.
"Isn't it ironic how easy it feels to watch down from here? Then you realize that your life is down there and the people who is around you is also down there somewhere in the world. It feels so much better up here dosn't it?" I ask Calum.
"Yeah, it actually does" He says and kisses me slowly, passionated. After the kiss he hugs me slowly. Then we're doing the shoot, it's awesome photos.

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