I have the best boyfriend ever.

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My mum told me to go to the airport, something is waiting for me. I just drive and wait on it. Many fans is around me. I've done an album called Sunset. I've been done concerts and I love my Emenies (my fans). I'm happy without Luke, it has been two hard months, but my inspiration was my breakup with him. I've been skyping with Calum, almost not at all anymore. Last time I talked to him was three weeks ago.
We wait and wait. Then I see someone I recognize. He runs over to me, it's Calum. I start running and then he hugs me tight, lifts me up. I have my legs around his waist and he carries me. We hug for a long time.
"I've missed you so much" Calum says.
"How's Luke?" I ask careful.
"I told him something and he got really pissed of" Calum says. I still have my legs around his waist.
"What did you tell him?" I say and releases my legs. Then Calum kisses me. I kiss him back. His kisses is at least as good as Luke's. He wraps his arms around my waist, slowly, to see if it's okay. Then I take my arms around his neck. Then we release after maybe fifteen seconds.
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have" I say, turn away from him and starts walking from him. But he takes my hands, spins me fast around and then kisses me again.
"This was what I told him about. That I've feelings for you, and that I kissed you in the studio" He says.
"I don't want to get the band destroyed" I say to him and he holds me tight, then releases.
"I told them to, they said that it was okay as long as I didn't hurt you" Cal says.
"Is this what you want?" I ask and looks into his eyes.
"Emma, you're everything I've ever wanted. He got before me. Do you feel the same way? I flew over for you" Calum says and smiles carefully.
"Ofcourse I do" I say. Cal smiles and kisses me. He holds me tight and we're kissing.
"I think you did always understand me better than he ever could" I say. Our noses touching.
"I always tried too" He says and give me a fast kiss.
"The fans will hate us" I say and looks down into the ground.
"As long as we like each other we shouldn't care about anybody else but us" Calum says.
"Are we a couple now?" I ask and looks into the ground.
"It only depends on you" He says. I slowly, carefully is getting closer to him, for a kiss. Then I kiss him. This is kiss is real, the only real kiss I've ever kissed Calum with. It's magical.
"Then we are" I say and smile.
"I've missed your accent, it's same old accent over here" I say and laugh.
"Maybe you should hear another accent for a while" Calum says, takes my hand and starts walking. I'm confused.
"Cal, what are you doing?" I say and stop.
"Turn around" he says and smiles. I look behind me, there's my mum, holding my passport and a suitcase. I walk over to her.
"Mum, what's this all about?" I say and laugh.
"You deserve at least two weeks of, you've been working so hard the past two months, plus, he'd really missed you" Mum says and I hug her.
"Oh my god, have you been talking about this?" I say to both of them. They nods and laugh.
"How could I be so stupid?!?" I ask myself and laugh. I say bye to my mum and walk with Calum. He kisses me on the sidewalk, I love that.
"Where are we going? Please, I'm tired of long trips, is it a long trip?" I ask.
"An hour" He says and smiles.
"Wow, where are we going?" I ask.
"Manhattan" He says and smiles.
"As in New York?!?!" I freak out of happiness.
"Oh my god!" I say and throw myself in a warm hug in Calum's arms.
"You deserve to have at least two weeks of, first we're going to Manhattan in one week. Then we're going to Miami in one and a half week" Cal says and smiles, hugs me. Then I kiss him.
"I love you" He says. And I get quiet. I just hold him for a second, feeling the moment, when he said I love you for the very first time to me.
"I love you too" I say and he kisses me, take a break because we can't stop smiling then kissing me again. Then we're going round and round in the airport, finding fans that comes over to us and wants to take a picture with both of us. Then they're starting to ask questions like; "Where are Luke?"
Then I answer:"I'm not together with Luke anymore, I'm together with Cal"
And Calum kisses me.
"Since when?" One of the fans say and smile chocked.
"Since a few minutes ago" Calum says and hugs me.
"Well, we gotta catch our plan, we love you all" Calum says and smiles, hugs them and then we're going to the private jet. He takes my hand and we're sitting in the jet. It's a sunny day. Inside and out. I feel happy for the first time in a long time.
"Do you want to meet up the other guys in Miami?" Cal ask. It gets dark in my mind. What? Wasn't this OUR trip? Only OURS.
"Which of them?" I ask instead of starting to fight with him.
"Michael, Luke and Ashton" Calum says and then the plans lifting.
"I don't want him back" I say. I mean, Calum has three of the band members against him. I'm own him that.
"Fine" I say. He kisses me.
"Be nice, strong, and happy" Cal says and smiles.
"What's that quote about?" I ask and smile.
"I tell myself that everyday" Cal says and then takes up something from his pocket. He gives a minor present.
"You didn't have too" I say and give him a kiss on his cheek.
"Yes I do, I made you guys break up" Cal says and looks down into the ground. I put the present down, takes his hands and looks into his eyes.
"Calum" I say and then he looks into my eyes.
"You were honest, that's not a crime, you did the right thing. Okay? I don't really understand why they are pissed of at you, it's Luke they would've been pissed of at" I say, looks at the present.
"I'm not nice for telling you that, Luke will never forgive me unless you will get together again" Cal says, then he looks into my eyes.
"Emma, I'm so.." Calum starts, but I interrupt him with a kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and I take my hands around his neck. Then we stop.
"What I wanted to say was that I'm so inloved with you" Cal says.
"I love you so much Calum" I say.
"I love you so much" He says and smiles.
"Open it" Cal says and smiles. I open it. It's a new necklace where it stands; "Only Calums"
I kiss his cheek.
"It's beautiful" I say, then I realize that I still have the one Luke got me on. I drag it so hard that it breaks, which I don't care about the Calum puts on the new one on me. He kisses my neck and I start to laugh. We make a whole new song to Luke, it's a really good one. Calum plays guitar and we both sing. The flight is short, one and a half hour. Tons of fans in the airport. But we just going to the hotel because it's in the middle of the night. It's a little awkward when we're going to sleep, then we're start to make out, and then.. Yeah, you understand what happened. Then I fall asleep.

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