She can die because of me

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I sit at a chair outside Emma's room at the hospital. I feel really bad. The guys are mad at me.

"How could you do that to her?" Ashton says and looks at the nurses.

"Guys please, it's not what you think" I say and look on her door.

"You promised to never treat her bad" Ashton says and looks angry at me.

"But guys please just list.." I say but Ashton interrupts me.

"You sit here and have excuses. Seriously Luke I don't think you understand. When Emma ran from you she lost her drip, she can die in there! She got bullied in her school and got even into a fight because of you. And you just sit here and defend yourself" Ash says and then his voice gets kind of broken. And the worst thing of it all, is that Ash, actually is right. Calum just looks empty in the floor, like he's in his own little world. Michael just tries to make Ashton happy but Ash just walks away and talks to the nurses.

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