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I don't know for how long me and Luke have been on the toilet. Maybe for twenty minutes, I really don't know. We have just been quiet, holding hands. No more. We haven't even smiled. It wasn't the right time to smile. My tears have dried so I'm not crying anymore. Until Luke can't stand the silence anymore.

"I can't live with this distance" He says, releases my hands.

"I don't know, if you're going to have this distance from me all the time then.." But I cut him of.

"You will break up with me?" I say and my mood changes fast, from sad to angry. He nods carefully, unsure. I get pissed and tries to get the locker up but I can't. A tear falling down my face and Luke sits at the floor still. The silence comes back. But he knows I'm angry.

"Then probably this is the end" I say and many tears are falling down my face but I don't turn around and look him in the eyes, I just try to get the locker up and when Luke stands up, and says my name, go closer to me, I finally get it up and go to the other guys, pretend like nothing has happened. Whip away my tears. I just broke up with my boyfriend. How could I?

"So, what are we going to eat?" I say and smile to them. They feel it awkward, because they probably see that Luke is really hurt, as I know he is.

"Emma" Luke says but I ignore him completely.

"So now you're not going to talk to me" He says hurtful.

"Excuse me guys, I'm just going to go to the bathroom" I say and sneaks out the bathroom, but I couldn't close the door before Luke did sneak in too and lock the door. How can he be so fast?

"So now we've broken up?" He asks and sits down on the floor once again, takes his hands on his eyes. I'm standing in the corner and a tear falling down once again. I'm tired of crying!

"But seriously Luke what shall I do?? You just say things that makes you to the victim even though you can't be it! My sister died HOURS AGO! You can't understand which pain I'm going through right now!" I say, turn around against him. He watching me. His clear blue eyes cuts into me like knives.

"Let me in then! Make me understand!!" He says.

"I CAN'T RIGHT NOW! Okay, I'm done" I say, gets the locker up and close the door extremely hard and sits on my seat, put the seatbelt on.

"Ashton or Michael, please sit on my right side thank you" I say and so Ashton does. Luke was still in the bathroom.

"So, I thought we could make a change in Stay with me. Me and Calum should sing it, we're a good team and our voices fits so, who votes for that?" I say and whip once again away my tears. God.. I'm so freaking tired of that.

"It would be fun" Calum says.

"Why not?" Michael says.

"Only if Luke is okay with it" Ashton says. Luke gets out of the bathroom, totally quiet, even more hurt. He sits down on Ashton's usual place, do everything to not look into my eyes. I take my headphones on and listen to Taylor once again. But I haven't that loud because I want to hear what they talking about.

"What happened in there?" Ashton says.

"She..um.. Broke up with me" Luke says. It gets quiet.

"Why?" Calum asks after some minutes.

"I said: So now we've broken up? Because of things that happened, I said that. And it ended with that I said, let me in then, make me understand what you're going through. She said she was done, that she can't make me understand and went out here" Luke says.

"Luke, think like you had a sister. And she died, she was your bestfriend, your other half, you can't understand which pain she goes through, none of us can, until we go through it by ourselves" Ashton says. Yeah, go Ashton, I think in my mind.

Luke and meWhere stories live. Discover now