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Emma sleeps, we're about fifteen minutes until we land. Wow, this tour has been amazing. Mexico, USA, now our home town, Sydney. I really wanted to take her there. I love her so much. To be honest, the surprise is not on the concert. The pain she has struggled the last week is unbelievable. It's tuff. I wake her up.

"Hey" I whisper.

"Hey" she says carefully. The guys is listening to music in the headphones. We land. I'm home. We're home. A warm feeling comes into my stomach. Wow, I can't even remember last time I was home. I've spent so much time on touring, or being in Michigan with Emma and the guys or being in Mexico or USA. I've missed my mum. She's amazing. In some way it feels like they're tired of Emma, Ashton, Calum and Michael I mean. We stop at the gate and walks out. When we walk out of the airport I see thousands of people, surely ten thousands. God, the fans is truly one of the best things that has ever happened to us. We drive away from the airport. Old Australia. It feels just like it always has. Fun. We're really tired though, but it's fun to meet my mum again. Emma is exacted. The other guys gets home first. When we finally are at my house, only Emma and me, we see tons of people. Emma walks out first, then me. We go into the house. My mum runs over to me and I hug her.

"I've missed you Lukey!" She says and some tears are falling.

"I've missed you too" I say. Then she walks over to Emma.

"Wow, you were right. She really is beautiful" she says and smiles. Emma blush.

"Thank you, I'm Emma by the way" She says. My mum gives her a hug.

"I hope he's been nicer to you than he was a month ago" She says.

"He's amazing" Emma says.

"It's really nice to meet you" Mum says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. Hemmings" Emma says and smiles over too me.

"Oh please, call me Liz" Mum says.

"I've made you food, spaghetti and chicken was your favorite, right?" Mum says and walks over to the kitchen. I look around the place. It looks exactly like it did last time I was here. It's good, I don't feel like I've missed anything.

"Yes it is. How did you know?" Emma says and follows her.

"I guessed" Mum says and blinks to her. Emma laughs.

"Shall I help you with anything?" Emma says.

"No no no, it's okay, you can just sit down in the living room" mum says. Emma walks over to the living room.

"Luke, can I talk to you?" Mum says and I stay in the kitchen with her. I'm kinda nervous.

"She's a wonderful girl" Mum says.

"Thanks mum, was it Emma you wanted to talk about?" I ask.

"Um, kind of" She answers.

"I like her, and you should stay with her. I see how her eyes sparkles when she looks over to you. You've made a few really, really stupid things to her, I don't want to make you feel guilty but I'm really impressed by that she actually don't hate you" Mum says.

"Mum, I won't. I know. She needs me right now" I say and walks over to her, take the plates.

"Why? Has something happened?" Mum asks.

"Her sister died, about three weeks ago. She got into a fight and it ended bad" I say.

"Oh my god, poor little girl. You should almost purpose to her just because she would be happier" Mum says and laughs. I laugh cold. I mean, what did she just say? I mean, what should I say? Yes, I almost shall. I can't say that! I don't know.

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