Concert time March 1 2014

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My friend Erica wanted to go to some boy band concert so I said yes. And here we are, outside the arena. It's big and I don't even know what the guys names is.

"Erica, what do the guys sing about?" I say and looks confused.

"Um, I don't know, we're just going to see the bond because I hate One Direction. You have to know who they are!" She says and looks crazy. It's crazy that Erica always gets the guys, she's that type of girl that would have been blond, pink clothes, kind of Regina George in Mean Girls, except that she has brown hair. I'm the blond girl who dosn't really fit in, I'm not talking that much.

"Hey they let people in now!!!" Erica screams and I'm almost getting deaf.

"Erica please calm down" I say because we are second in the line-up so it is embarrassing. She shows our tickets and I see the title; One Direction. Oh no, I think by myself.

"We're not going to see them, we're going to watch 5SOS only" Erica says to calm me down. Then after a half an hour the concert starts and the drummer comes out. Then the guitar men and then the singer. I get eye contact with the drummer so we kinda laughs and flirts in distance. That is overwhelming. Never a guy have ever noticed me before. He screams; Meet me backstage.

Then he points there and then screams: In the break.

I wait, wait and wait for that moment to happen. Then the lights just turns of.

"Who's the drummer?" I ask Erica.

"Ashton" she says and turns around, "come on, let's go"

"I'll meet you outside" I say and go to where Ashton had pointed at. He waited there and gave me his hand.

"Hi, what's your name?" He says and smiles.

"Emma, and yours is Ashton" I say and gets red in my face.

"Wow" he says and looks at me.

"What?" I say and gets worried that I'm sweating to much or something.

"You're the first girl that won't scream into my face when I'm so close as I am right now" he says.

"Come on, it's 1Ds turn to show them up, let's meet the other guys" he says and takes me to a room with a big couch where everybody sits.

"Hey, this is Emma, I grabbed her from the crowds" he says and shows me up. They say hey and I do to. The singer comes forward to me and give me a warm hug.

"I'm Luke" he says and pick a little in his hair.

"I'm Emma" I say while I'm blushing and takes my hands over my face.

"No, what are you doing?" Luke says and takes them away.

"Well, four guys is in front of me that just was on the stage and had like ten thousands that watched them but you picked me" I said and laughed a little.

"Yep, that's true" the green haired one says.

"Come on, sit down" Luke says and points at where he sat before.

"Where are you going to sit now Luke?" The black haired one says that sits of my left.

"I'll sit on the floor" he says.

"No, it's really not necessary" I says and stand up.

"Come on, sit down" Luke says and smiles.

"Come on, you're a famous superstar, sit down" I say and everybody but Luke laughs. Luke sits down and I sit in his knee. I sit there and talk with the boys for a long time, maybe an hour than I realizes that One direction is coming in.

"I gotta go" I say and wave to 5SOS.

"What's your number?" Ashton says and I give him mine.

"I'll call you tomorrow" he says and give me a small hug, then Luke gives me a long and warm hug and says;

"See you later"

"I really hope so" I say and smile and go away from the empty arena. I see Erica crying with the police beside her.

Then she sees me.

"Where the hell have you been?!?" She say and almost slap me.

"I was with the band" I say,I was completely honest.

"That was the worst lie you could ever say" she say and solve things out with the police.

"I don't want to be in a car with you" she says and walks away.

"Do you know how Luke smells?" I say and she turns around.

"Ofcourse I do, if you do to, I believe you. But hey, how did you know his name is Luke?" She says and goes slow back to me.

"He smells raspberries and some kind of vanilla" I say and she smells on me.

"You've.. You've.. YOU'VE MADE OUT WITH LUKE IN 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER FOR GOD SAKE!!!!" She say and scream and flipps out.

"I hugged him, he hugged me a couple of times, what's the big deal?" I say.


"I guess so" I say, I mean, for me it isn't really a big deal. They're still normal teenagers.

"OMG!!!! I've to tell everybody!!!!" Erica says.

"NO!" I say fast.

"Why not?"

"Don't. If you tell just anyone, we are not friends anymore" I say.

"Wanna hear reasons" she says.

"Fuck you" I say and drive away from her. Just waiting for Ashton's call..

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