~Don't Let Go~ ~Angst/Fluff RE-WRITE~

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So I'm rewriting an old oneshot bc
1) It was crap and I need to fix shit
2) I still feel the same even though my junior cert went grand and I'm in the most relaxing year in school and I'm still fucking panicking for nothing it's gREAT BTW

Lance sat down at his desk. 8 different books set out in front of him, which intimidated him.

"Why did I leave this til the day before it's due? I'm such an idiot!" Lance mumbled, pouting as he started working on these essays.

It's a struggle, and Lance isn't even half way through before his boyfriend pops in to their room.

"Babe you have to sleep!"

Lance's eyes started to tear up a bit, but shrugged it off and acted as if he doesn't notice.

"Kashi! I need to get this done for tomorrow! The teachers will kill me!" Even though Lance pleaded and begged, Shiro was having none of what Lance was saying. He suddenly picked Lance up bridal style and brought him to their bed, placing him down even with the complaints from his boyfriend and laid down beside him.


It was currently 4:28am. Shiro was snoring softly beside Lance. While Shiro was getting a good amount of sleep, Lance was deprived of that luxury at this time. His mind wondered a lot deeper at this time of night, which was never good.

His mind kept thinking about tomorrow, his grades depended on these essays and if he doesn't get them in he'd fail his classes. Lance didn't want to fail, it ripped him apart. He wanted to succeed, become better and getting fails will definitely tear apart his goal.

He felt his breath start to become uneven. He tried to breathe in and out slowly like people always say to ease it off, but the room started spinning and he felt like he was going to faint. He sat up suddenly in bed, bringing his knees to his chest, trying to regulate his breath with no success.

The tears then decided to start up, he felt them crawl down his cheeks. The room is still spinning, making him panic more than he was. It was then that sobs started to fall out of his mouth, his body jolting forward with every gasp he made. He didn't want to wake Shiro up so he tried to cover his mouth with his hands, hoping it will muffle his cries but alas that didn't work. He felt Shiro move and groan as he woke up.

"...Baby??" Shiro groaned as he turned around to face his lover, only to find Lance curled up and in tears. Shiro quickly got up, turning the bedside lamp on quickly so he could get a better look. Shiro saw the large tears that fell from the Cuban's eyes. Shiro noticed how Lance was shaking and jolting every few seconds.

"Lance baby it's okay!" Shiro tried to reassure him. Slowly placing a hand on Lance's shoulder to make sure he didn't freak the boy out more than he already was before wrapping his arms around Lance and bringing him onto his lap. Shiro rocked both of them slowly back and forward, Shiro whispering encouraging words into the boy's ear to hopefully calm Lance down. After 20 minutes, Lance's sobs have subsided, soft breaths were heard from the boy in Shiro's arms.

"Are you feeling better kitten?" Shiro asked, losing his grip on Lance so the boy could look up at him.

"Y-yeah I think so..." Lance replied truthfully, wiping his eyes to rid his tears. "...I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to deal with me...you don't deserve it-"

"Hey!" Shiro interrupted him, bringing Lance back into a tight hug.

"Don't ever apologize for that, it's out of your control and I don't care what you think, but I'll always be here for you, no matter what!" He heard Lance sniff. "T-thank you. K-Kashi..."

Shiro gave Lance one more tight squeeze before letting the boy go to switch off the bedside lamp, only to feel a small hand grab his arm. "Please don't let go of me!" Lance nearly shouted in a panic. Shiro saw the fear in Lance eyes and immediately switched off the light to return to Lance.

The two laid down, Shiro's arms wrapped around Lance's waist, and Lance curled up in Shiro's embrace. The two were face to face with each other before they closed the gap between them. The kiss was soft and short lasting, but it made Lance smile. They both curled into each other before falling soundly asleep.

If only I had someone like that tbfh, where can I find my Shiro-

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