Socializing& medializing .

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Its fun.

Its crazy.

Its helpful when it comes to business.

Its amazing.

Yeah,but don't let it define who you are. Party all you like,Whatsapp all you want,Instagram it, Skype with her ....its cool to an extent.

Don't let it get control over your head, create times for other things. Don't misuse the opportunity given by these app creators ,try to use it for good.

Don't let it drain you.

Do it in order.

From my Text-perience i got to realize a lot of thing that actually comes out from getting yourself too involved in social medias and stuffs.

You let people in on what happens every time,its like without posting your latest dress,or your new destination or how you suffered from  arthritis or how your boyfriend/spouse broke up with you,you are not happy,you feel like you haven't achieved a thing today because you haven't posted it.

Some belittle their worth and send nudes.

Practise fraudery.

Cyber bullying etc.

Use that media /app for good.

Don't let that app take away your life,this beautiful life you have once pictured and imagined.

Never use your socialization to hurt others.

But all the same,socialize.

Love, Myself |√ {COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin