I'm expecting her to say say something about us passing but instead she turns on her heel and walks back down to the front door. Reaching into her briefcase. she hands me a card. "Your interviews will be today at noon. This is the address. Do not be late."

She opens the door barely giving me time to process everything. "What about school?"

Offering me a wicked smile, she steps outside. "Well, Miss Rhodes, you'll just have to decide what's more important. Getting custody or your education."

And with that she slams my own door in my face.

Standing frozen in shock, my siblings join me. "I think it's safe to say I liked the other nut job of a social worker better." Silver offers, biting into a pancake.

I laugh as we head upstairs to get dressed but it's more his benefit than mine.


Four hours later, we're walking through the front door of an office, Sage's sweaty hand in mine. Getting in the elevator to the third floor I let Saffron push the button, mainly because my own hand shaking. In the mirrored doors I give us one last look over.

Ironically we all chose to wear black, we have no plans to appear happy and upbeat. Saffron pulls at her tights, I feel bad for making her wear them but her knee is skinned. That's the last thing I need for Patrica to see.

My hair is straight and flat against my head, a simple black dress falling right above my knees. If the person who stared back at me during our first evaluation seemed older than I look ancient today.

Makeup can only hide so much and a weeks worth of extra shitty sleep and stress is showing.

The buzzer dings as we reach the floor. I force a smile into my face as I remember what Dave told me on the phone. Smile, think over every word before I speak, and stay calm. We're directed to a row of uncomfortable plastic chairs before a woman with a similar frown to Patricia's appears.

"Follow me." She says monotonously, not even waiting for us to get up before marching back the way she came.

We do, stopping in front of a door. "Saffron Rhodes, this is your room."

Saffron balks as the door is opened for her, tightening the grip she took on my hand the second we started walking.

The woman repeats herself and she still won't move.

"Is there any way that she can stay with someone until it's her turn?" I ask. She won't do well being locked up all by herself.

"No, now I don't have all day." She states, her voice raising a tiny bit.

Saffron flinches at her tone, leaning down, I pry my hand from hers. "Hey, Squirt, I need you to be a big girl, okay?"

Slowly she nods her head, tears pooling in her eyes. "O...Okay."

Anger floods through me, Saffron's seven years old and terrified of being alone. If they claim to be so interested in her well being why is she being subjected to this pain? Carefully I take mom's ring off my finger, pressing it into her hand.

"Mommy will be with you." I whisper, kissing her forehead.

She smiles weakly, her fist tightening around the ring as she walks through the doorway.

The twins hesitate before going into their own rooms, hating the idea of being separated but they listen. Sage strides into his without a second thought, offering the lady an easy smile.

Squaring my shoulders, I take a seat behind the table in my secluded room. The wooden chair is beyond uncomfortable but I don't move. I'm sure they're probably watching me somehow.

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