09: Here Comes the Sun

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SEPTEMBER DRIFTED INTO OCTOBER and October slowly, but surely, became November

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SEPTEMBER DRIFTED INTO OCTOBER and October slowly, but surely, became November. Time went on with letter upon letter from Sofia's mother, and a couple reassuring ones from her father. He told her that chemo-therapy was working, and that he was supposedly getting better. Then, Sofia would get another letter from her mum saying that her dad's test results declined again. It was an ongoing cycle with little to no relief of worry for her father.

Sofia's friends had been of great help. They constantly stood by her as she had her good and bad days, and her and James were close to inseparable. She'd lash out every once and a while but it was easily forgiven. Sofia's grades were steadily declining, the only thing that she continuously got a good grade in was potions. Professor Slughorn was the most sympathetic of her situation, but that was only because Slughorn was the only teacher Sofia had told about her family situation.

When Sofia woke up the final weekend of November, things were beginning to look up. She had gotten a letter from her dad the night before. In his beautiful scribbled handwriting, Dean Grace wrote about how he was actually getting healthier. Chemo was working and the doctors said he would be able to spend Christmas with his family in a month. Dean reassured his only daughter that she didn't need to worry anymore, that he was never going to leave her until he died of old age alongside his loving wife Lily. Sofia looked out the dormitory window and to the grounds below. Hogwarts had been covered in a layer of soft white snow, reminding the students that Christmas would soon be upon them, along with Christmas break.

It was a Saturday at eight o'clock in the morning and Bailey and Roxanne were still fast asleep. Bailey was curled up in a ball of red blankets and one blue one, given to her by her mother Luna who was a Ravenclaw. Roxanne on the other hand had no blankets. Her brown hair was fanned across her pillow and her legs and arms were spread out in the position that looked like a X. Sofia pondered whether or not she should wake her two friends. There were pros and cons. A pro would be that she wouldn't have to wander to the Great Hall alone. A con would be that she would have a grumpy Roxanne and a whiny Bailey. Sofia decided against waking her friends and slipped out of her warm bed.

It was a Hogsmeade day. This meant that by eleven or twelve the group of Gryffindors would make their way into the small town and buy sweets and gifts for Christmas. They were doing a secret Santa this year, suggested by Sofia. They were a bunch of broke teenagers, no need to make themselves more broke if the didn't have to. Sofia had been saving up the small deposits of money her mother exchanged for sickles and galleons with help of Neville Longbottom in order to buy a gift for the name she'd picked out of Rylan's hat. It, of course, was James'. And she immediately knew what she wanted to get him, but it was a muggle item, which meant she had been saving up sickles and galleons for no reason. 

The blonde did her normal morning routine and dressed herself before wandering into the common room. She was met with a warm crackling fire and the smell of cookies, which was odd. A dull light streamed in through the big windows and made the common room look much more inviting than outside where snow was falling and it was below zero degrees Celsius. Sofia hugged her jumper closer to her and greeted a few of the second years that sat in the chairs in front of the fire. The second years, one brown haired girl and one blonde boy, had at least a dozen chocolate chip cookies in front of them and munched on them happily. They must have figured out how to sneak into the kitchen, Sofia thought.