02: Ethereal

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Dedicated to: Javinax3Thank you for being the first to comment on my story!

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Dedicated to: Javinax3
Thank you for being the first to comment on my story!

AFTER EVERYONE WAS SETTLED the Great Hall became silent, and the small first years came toddling through excited to get sorted into their new "homes". They seemed to get smaller every year until they started to look like toddlers.  Sofia remembered when it was her. She was amazed by the floating candles and the enchanted roof which was magic that was beyond her wildest dreams at the time, but she had so much to learn. 

James watched as Sofia examined every first year silently smiling and waving at every one of them who made eye contact with her.  Her eyes lit up ounce some of them began to smile and wave back. 

They sat diagonal from each other this time, unlike on the train. Owen and Rylan sat across from him, Sofia next to Owen, across from Sofia was Roxanne who was also on the right of James, and on the other side of James was Bailey.

"Oi!" Rylan whisper shouted and snapped his fingers in front of James' face. "Stop looking at Sof and answer my damn question."

"Huh?" James replied, were they talking to him?

"I told you mate, he's gone bonkers." Owen rolled his eyes.

"No, no, no," Rylan said leaning a bit closer to James, looking straight into his eyes. James felt as if he was looking into his soul. "That's not it." Rylan mumbled. Still staring. James began to fidget and looked away.

"God Rylan, cut it out. Can't you tell James is a little freaked out? Bloody hell, I'm even freaked out." Bailey lightly pushed Rylan and he immediately fell back onto the bench. He whispered something into Owen's ear.

"What are you four going on about?" Roxanne budded in.

James sighed, still very confused. "I have no idea."

"Well the ceremony is going to begin..." Sofia smiled and put a finger up to her lips. Everybody stopped talking and turned their attention to the first years.

* * * *

As Roxanne and Bailey chattered in the girls' dormroom, Sofia was reading a book. She laid on her back with her feet up straight up and resting on her bed post.

When the two girls noticed Sofia off in her own world, James was the first subject mentioned. "Did you see that, in the train car today?" Bailey whispered.

"Of course I did Bailey, he's my cousin!" Roxanne replied.

"The entire time he was just staring at her, even at dinner. The boy's in love. I wonder if he's going to ask her out. "