01: Drowning

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She wasn't like the other girls who shuffled around Hogwarts, not in James Potter's opinion at least. Sofia was on a another level. While all the other girls tried to fit in or tried to be popular she sat at her favorite tree by the lake and sang songs or played music. Her wavy blonde hair was usually held in a ponytail of some kind and her blue eyes always seemed to be seeking something. Even Sofia didn't know what she was looking for, but she knew she was going to find it.

It took him a while to accept it, five years to be exact, but after he did it only became harder. James was in love. He was in love with her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her personality, everything. He was in love with her. And when he looked at her for the first time in that light, she was even more breathtaking than before. The way her hair cascaded down her back, which it rarely did, and the way she smiled when she saw him. Her eyes still looking for something that she couldn't find and her unmistakable laugh when Rylan told her a joke.

He took off his glasses (that he hated wearing) and wiped them off on his shirt. Then he quickly put them back on and looked at her again, hoping that she wouldn't look like that so he could actually have a normal conversation with her, or anybody near her, without stuttering. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. 

"Are you going to sit down James?" Bailey asked. He noticed that everybody, his friends, had sat down in the train compartment. Luckily Bailey was next to Rylan, who was across from Sofia. 

"Yes. I was just thinking about how we only get to ride this train three more times." James lied as he shuffled over to sit next to Sofia. 

"Yeah, it is weird isn't it?" Owen said. "A year from now and we'll be riding to our last year." The group agreed. Sofia was intrigued that Owen was being so perceptive. Usually he and Rylan were the ones to crack jokes and laugh all the time, he was not one to be nostalgic.

Owen Wood was a handsome boy with curly blonde hair that he got from his mother as well as his blue eyes. He got his talent from his father, therefore he automatically made it onto the quidditch team in second year. Owen was the seeker and many people say there hasn't been anybody as good as him since Harry Potter. He was a bit of a flirt, cocky, but kind once you got to know him. Much like James, he had many girls that swooned over him, but the only girl he had eyes for was Roxanne. She disregarded him though.

"What are you studying for again Owen?" Rylan asked.

"Magical Law enforcement or Quidditch. Why?" Rylan shrugged.

Rylan had dark brown hair, much like James' but neater. Usually it was tousled up and to the side with a little gel. He had pale skin and was very kind to everyone he met. He was the youngest of the three boys and the most immature, once you got to know him. The reason he usually told the jokes wasn't just so he could get a laugh, he wanted to make people smile. Nobody knew this except his girlfriend, Bailey, who thought it was absolutely adorable. He too was on the quidditch team and was the beater, which meant he usually came back from games a little bruised, much to Bailey's dislike.

"Anything from the trolley?" 

The group ordered as much candy as they could and dumped it onto Owen's trunk, which he forgot to put in the front of the train when they left. They did this every year that way it was fair game to get as much candy as you want and if you didn't want any you didn't have to pay. Sofia took a chocolate frog hoping to get a good card. 

"I'll make a deal with you, James."


"If I can keep the card, you can have the frog. I don't think I can eat anymore." Sofia smiled. 

"Sure Sof." James responded, trying not to look at her.

"What about you Rylan, what are you studying for?" Owen asked with his face full of candy.

"To be an Auror along with James." 

"Okay, what about you Bailey?" Owen questioned. 

"A charms teacher." She smiled lightly imagining what it would be like.

Bailey was a very eccentric person. She had bright blonde hair that was slightly wavy and blue eyes that rivaled Sofia's. She had a bright smile that was usually plastered on her face and dimples on her cheeks. Bailey was the loudest of the three girls and the most extroverted. She saw the good in everybody, including the people who had hurt her. Much like her mother Luna Scamander.


"I'm studying for what uncle Charlie does, dragon keeper."

Roxanne was not like Bailey. She had darker skin and light brown hair, along with brown eyes. She was more down to earth, as well. Yet she could still be wild and uncontrollable, Sofia usually had to keep her from doing anything reckless. Her father was George Weasley and he was very mischievous, especially in his years at Hogwarts, but her mother said he's never been the same since Fred died. But Fred the second, her own twin, was just a silly. And even though many boys found her attractive, she avoided them like the plague. Except for her friends, of course.

"Uh, w-what about you Sofie?" James' hand flew up to his nose to push his glasses back into place. 

Sofia wasn't paying attention. She looked out the train window at the passing mountains and trees humming a song and tapping her fingers against the window sill. James tapped her lightly on the shoulder bringing her back to reality. "Sorry, what did you say James?" 

"Um-erm-wha-what are you studying to be?" James stuttered his ears beginning to turn a light shade of pink. Roxanne noticed his nervousness towards Sofia raising her eyebrows slightly. Her cousin didn't have crushes, girls had crushes on him. And James Potter definitely never blushed.

"A journalist." Sofie smiled and made eye contact with James, and she quickly looked at his face, wondering why he was stuttering so much. This only made James blush more.

"Really? I-I thought you'd want to be a musician, I mean you're so good at music." 

"Well yes, but you've got to have a backup plan." Sofia disregarded James' stuttering, knowing he probably was just excited to see her after three months.  He nodded at her response, it seemed logical to have a backup plan.

Roxanne smirked at him. Never, had she seen her cousin that nervous around a girl. And that girl was one of her best friends. He continued to look at her even though she was staring out the window again, humming quietly. She was beautiful. He studied the way she looked out the window at the world, longingly. Her hair effortlessly falling perfectly around her face and her eyes sending him to the sea. He was drowning. James pulled himself away to stare at his cousin across from him.

Rox had her eyebrows raised, Owen and Rylan were smirking and shaking their heads, and Bailey was slowly coming into realization and her smile slowly grew. Sofia continued to stare out the window humming, silently tapping, and utterly oblivious.