05: Night

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JAMES SHOT UP out of bed and rubbed his eyes

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JAMES SHOT UP out of bed and rubbed his eyes. He patted the bed for his glasses and after about five minutes he tore the sheets and blankets off the bed hoping to find them. "Where are they?" He grumbled and stepped backwards. James heard a loud crack and felt a piece of glass stab his heel. "Fuck!" The boy made his way to the bathroom hopping on one foot in order to keep the pain in his foot at bay, muttering a string of curse words along the way.

"Oi, James, what the hell are you doing?" Rylan shouted from his bed, watching James jump up and down in the bathroom.

"I stepped on my fucking glasses. How am I going to be able to see now?" James growled and sat on the toilet lifting his foot up to try and see the piece of glass in his foot. "I don't know any spells for this shit!"

Rylan peeked through the bathroom door, "I do." He moved himself in front of James and muttered a string of spells. The piece of glass lodged inside James's foot fell out and the cut on his heel closed itself in a matter of seconds. "Your glasses are toast though." James groaned at Rylan's comment and grabbed one of the rags that was hanging on the towel ring next to the sink then ran it under the water. He washed his foot and Rylan made his way back to his bed, noticing that Owen had been sound asleep the entire time.

"Do you think Rox is going to go through with it?" Rylan whispered as James tip toed back to his bed.

James sighed throwing the blankets over his legs and laid back onto his pillows, "She's Roxanne. Of course she's going to do it."

"I know, but a night in the forbidden forest? Alone?" Rylan exclaimed quietly, picking up his wand from his bedside. "I just... it's dangerous."

"Rox knows how to handle herself, and she's not going in there alone. Owen will probably back out of it immediately and either go in there with her, or stop her from going in." James rolled his eyes.

Rylan's face glowed as light almost poured out of his wand, a spell he invented and would mess with when he was bored or troubled. It didn't have a name, just a thought and light flowed out of his wand a lot like a patronous without a shape. He flicked his wand up and the light formed stars on the ceiling. Rylan wouldn't admit it, but he was quite gifted with spells. James told his father stories about the spells that Rylan created and Harry always said that it reminded him of Severus Snape, and his fantastic gifts with potions and enchantments.

"Yeah, I guess so," Rylan whispered. James waited a while and suddenly the light faded from the ceiling, signalling that Rylan had fallen asleep. James got back up out of bed and grabbed a blanket off the top of his dresser. He made his way to the door and slowly opened it. A creak sounded through the dorm room and James winced. He waited a couple seconds before hearing a snore and quietly walked out, pushing the door closed with a another small noise.

James threw the blanket over his head and was immediately rendered invisible. Nobody knew he had the cloak of invisibility. James found it in one of his dad's locked drawers when he was thirteen. Using a spell that younger cousin Rose had taught him, he opened the drawer out of curiosity. James found only the cloak, which was folded up nice and neatly, and in his opinion was waiting to be used. Ever since then he brought it to Hogwarts every year. Harry of course had known the moment that James had come out of his office that day the the cloak was gone. James was very sloppy while snooping and had left the drawer open. But Harry did not stop his son, he planned on giving it to him someday anyways. Albus still wondered where the cloak was considering he had heard stories but never really seen it. James had kept it a secret that he had it, and didn't even tell his closest friends.