07: Back to the Castle

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"FUCK," JAMES GROANED, and propped himself up on his elbows

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"FUCK," JAMES GROANED, and propped himself up on his elbows. He felt something heavy laying on his chest, making him unable to sit all the way up, and looked down. Sofia was laid across his stomach, mumbling underneath her breath. "Sof?" She responded with an irritated grunt and lifted herself up, accidentally elbowing James in the stomach. "Ouch!"

"I'm sorry, James," Sofia grumbled and sat on her knees. She brushed the needles and dirt off her shirt and began to run her hands through her hair, picking out the foreign objects that decided to reside there after she fell and flicking them onto the ground. This wasn't a problem when she had her hair up, Sofia thought.

James's gaze fell on her again, and again he was entranced. There was nothing he could do to stop it. It happened much more than James actually intended. The boy would find himself glancing over at Sofia and then be distracted by her altogether within a matter seconds. And he would then force himself away from gazing at the blonde only to find himself glancing back at her again in an endless cycle.

"James?" The blonde whispered gently, a small amount of fear evident in her voice. She took a fistful of James's sleeve and tugged, pulling him out of his thoughts. 

James blinked and rubbed his eyes to refocus on the girl in front of him. Luckily, she was close enough to him that he could see her face. "Hm?" The boy hummed, looking into her blue eyes, slightly dazed. 

"James," Sofia whispered again, "we need to get back to the castle." James watched as the girl stood up and offered him a hand, he took it happily and pulled himself up. 

"I can't see anything Sofie. My glasses broke," James admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. He turned in a circle trying to survey the forest around him but all he could see was a blur of trees and the dark of night. 

Sofia looked around as well, she tapped some of the leaves of the bushes and even the redwood tree itself, yet nothing lit up or glowed like it did before. Suddenly, as if a switch went off in the her brain, she was angry. "DAMN YOU FOREST," she screamed into the blackened night, throwing her hands above her head. James's head snapped toward her in surprise, he had heard her scream only once. Sofia continued, "I come out here for some comfort or maybe a little bit of some respect and homeliness, but nooo. I have to get dropped from your  stupid branches like an unwanted pest. Now you're not going to help me get back to the fucking castle?!" The blonde yelled and pointed at the giant tree in front of her as if scolding it like a child. "I just want to go home! My Dad's dying! DON'T YOU GET IT?" James heard her pause and a scream of frustration escaped the girls lips. Sofia dragged her hands down her face and groaned. Then she ran at the tree, kicking it with all her might. "DAMN YOU!" She finished, running a hand through her hair roughly. 

James walked towards Sofia carefully until he could see her figure fully. The boy shuffled next to her and cautiously grabbed Sofia's hand, lacing his fingers together with her's. She didn't pull away, and he squeezed her hand reassuringly. He moved in front of her silently and studied her face again. In the light of the moon he saw the streaks of tears down her cheeks, another one fell down her face. He cupped his free hand around her cheek and wiped the tear away. "No more tears," James whispered, and leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. "Let's get to the castle."