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WHEN SHE GOT THE LETTER in the mail on April 22, 2015, her eleventh birthday, she never expected it to say something along the lines of: Congratulations! You're a witch and we would like you to attend our school of magic... blah blah blah blah... Go to this weird pub in London and get a wand and school starts on September 1st. See you there!

She and her family of course didn't believe it. It took a lot of convincing from a man who came to their house in a robe and showed the Grace family that he could make things fly with a flick of his wand. The man who introduced himself as Neville Longbottom took the muggle family to the strange pub and showed them how to get into what he called "Diagon Alley". Things ran somewhat smoothly from there.

When September 1st finally came, the young girl who had just had one of the most abnormal summers that she could remember, ran through a wall. On the other side was a bright red steam engine that she had remembered reading about in the books that she had bought along with her wand. Over the summer the young blonde had kept herself huddle up on her bed reading every book she could find on wizardry, utterly fascinated with the fact that all the farytails and myths she was told throughout her life was a lie.

Around the red steam engine was a sea of people. Most of them were families, parents saying goodbye to their children. She wondered if there were others like her, girls and boys who's parents didn't have magical blood yet was an anmolie.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when her mother and father began to say goodbye. "Darling, are you ready?" Her father, Dean Grace, smiled down at her soothingly.

"Ready than I'll ever be I guess, dad." She responded beaming up at them. "Are you?"

"Probably not pumpkin." Her mother, Lily Grace, pulled her into a hug.

"I lied mum," she giggled. "I'll never be ready for this." Lily laughed lightly along with Dean. The blonde then hugged her dad.

"Write us, okay dear? At least once a week."

"I promise." Her dad kissed her cheek and her mum gave her one last squeeze just as the train blew the warning whistle. "I got to go! Bye mum and dad. I love you!"

She pushed her cart over to the boarding station and gave them her bags. The blonde then hopped onto the train right before it began to move. I have to find a seat, she thought. She began to fight her way through the crowds of kids and teenagers on the train. She spotted what looked like an empty compartment and began to shuffle towards it.

The girl turned her head for one moment and bumped into someone. When she looked up there was a boy with green eyes and messy dark brown hair. "I'm so sorry! I am dreadfully clumsy and my mum scolds me for it all the time." The boy said his eyes panicked, waiting for the blonde to respond. She was pretty in his opinion but he didn't want to get nervous around her so he dismissed the thought and continued to wait for a reaction.

The girl just smiled kindly. "It's alright. Are you looking for a compartment too?" He nodded in response. "Okay then, why don't we find one?"

"Alright. My name's Rylan Bennett by the way."

"Sofia Grace, but you can call me Sofie." Rylan nodded again and smiled lightly. He had made a friend.

Sofia and Rylan wandered around the train looking for compartments until they looked in one with four children around their age.

She opened the door and poked her head in while Rylan waited outside. Sofia, who was a little shy, cleared her throat so the kids would turn their heads.

"James, I'm telling you, the Hollyhead Harpies would definitely beat the-er hello." A boy with blonde curly hair and blue eyes noticed Sofia first.

"Um...hi. I was wondering if me and my friend could sit here everywhere else is full and you lot look" She asked politely.

The other eleven year old's turned their heads to look at the little blonde girl peeking into their compartment. "Um... yeah." A girl with bright blonde hair that matched the color of Sofia's spoke first and smiled welcoming them.

Sofia and Rylan shuffled in right as the train took a sharp turn. She lurched forward stumbling and then falling onto the lap of another boy.

The boy had dark brown hair that, no matter how hard he tried, would not be tamed. He had dark brown chocolate eyes that were framed by black glasses that would consistently slide down his nose, much to his annoyance. Unfortunately he got bad eyesight from his father, Harry Potter. Most people said he took after his grandfather James Potter Senior. He was a prankster, somewhat of a flirt, talented at quidditch, and so on. But when James Sirius Potter met the eyes of the blonde girl that accidentally fell in his lap, he forgot all about his heritage. His tongue was unable to form any words and his stomach erupted with butterflies as James studied her eyes and face.

She had wavy long bright blonde hair that was fanned out on his lap. Her features were soft and round and her eyes were a bright blue. They were full of innocence and life, James forced himself to pull away and introduce himself.

"Hello, James Sirius Potter." He smiled warmly hoping to make a good first impression. The blonde girl lifted herself off of his lap, stood up, dusted herself off, sat down next to James, and finally turned to introduce herself.

"Sofia Elizabeth Grace, it's nice to meet you James Sirius Potter. Do you mind if I just call you James? You can call me Sofie."

"Well-erm-of course you can call me James," He started to turn red with embarrassment. "I just wanted to introduce myself formally, you know, it's how my mum taught me." James' ears started to burn as he began to look around at his known friends reaction. His cousin Roxanne was trying hard to contain her laughter along with his best friend, Owen, who was shaking uncontrollably. Bailey was shaking her head smiling at him and the kid in the corner, who he wasn't introduced to yet, was leaning against the compartment door smirking playfully.

Bailey decided to save James, much to his relief, by introducing herself. "Sofia is such a beautiful name! On the other hand my name is boring. Bailey Scamander, it's nice to meet you!" The blonde beamed at Sofia.

"It's nice to meet you too." Sofia said politely, personally she was excited to get to know Bailey. She seemed like an eccentric person.

Roxanne introduced herself next. She was a little more down to earth yet interesting in her own way. Not a lot like Bailey but they were still best friends. "Well since you aren't introducing yourself," she nodded towards Owen. "I will. Hi, my name's Roxanne Weasley. James is my cousin."

"Nice too meet you too." Sofia smiled.

Roxanne leaned over to Owen and whispered something into his ear. He scowled, "I'm not afraid Rox! You two were obviously introducing yourselves first and I didn't want to get in the way. See I'm introducing myself now. Hello, my name's Owen Wood, son of Oliver Wood the famous quidditch player."

Rox sighed, "You always have to add that part in don't you? Not even James says his dad is Harry Potter." Sofia's eyes widened.

"Well that's because everybody already knows that!" Owen exclaimed.

"I didn't." Sofia said.

"So you're muggle born then?" James asked.


"That's cool." James responded.

"May I introduce myself?" Rylan asked since everybody was talking and he didn't want to be rude.

"Of course you can!" Bailey laughed. "Sorry about that."

Rylan smiled and nodded. "Well my name's Rylan Bennett, pleased to meet all of you!" He bowed, which earned him a couple of laughs. "I hope we can become the best of friends and grow old together when none of us get married." More of the group laughed again. " On another note, what houses do you think you will be sorted into?"

The rest of the train ride was filled with jokes and laughing. They were becoming friends, good friends, and it would be that way for the rest of their lives from that very moment.