The Part Where Something Big Happens

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Barry's POV
"What happened?" Joe asks when i walk through the front door.

"She uh," I close the door and scratch the back of my neck, "came here to say goodbye, then left."

"Oh Bar," Joe starts but i stop him.

"It's okay Joe, i'm just going to move on with my day."

He looks at me a little stunned. "Just like that? You're moving on? No feelings, nothing. You're fine."

"No feelings, nothing. I'm fine." I tell him.

At least i think that's the truth.

I can't do this, the more i think about it-her, the less i'll move on.

I pick up my phone and call Cisco. He's always a great distraction for things like these.

"Yello." He picks up his phone.

"Hey Cisco!" I say. "Want to go out for some coffee or something?"

"Oh no." He panics.

"What?" I ask.

Something might be wrong at the Lab, maybe this will be a good distraction. Not that I'm hoping somethings wrong. But I need some sort of distraction right now.

"No, no, no, no, no."

"Cisco what is it?"

"Kara dumped you, didn't she?"

How the hell does he already know? It's been like 7 minutes since she left.

"What? No, she didn't." I deny.

"She did dude. I can tell by your voice, she defiantly dumped you." He concludes.

Oh well, he somehow already knows. I'll just play it off cool.

"She didn't dump me, she just, uh, found someone better." I tell him.

"So," Cisco concludes, "In other words she dumped you?"

I don't want to talk about this anymore. I need a distraction, not a reminder.

"Do you want to go get coffee or not?" I ask him.

He clues in to my intentions. "Ahh," he says, "we're looking for a distraction here. You got it buddy, I'll meet you there in 20."

Cisco hangs up the phone and i let out a sigh, i don't get how he knows so well what i'm asking without even asking it.

As i'm walking towards the stairs to get changed someone knocks onnthe door.

God Cisco better not be here to pick me up.

Even if he is how'd he get here so quick? Well he could have breached but that still doesn't seem right.

I walk toward the door and allow it to swing open but i dont stop the door from hitting the wall because of what i see.

Not nessiscarily what, but who.

Kara stands there, the ghost of tears on her face and i can tell she's been crying.


I can't believe she's real, she's here, but she just left, like 10 minutes ago.

She told me we couldn't be together and she had to go live her life.

"I couldn't go." She tells me with tears down her face. "I couldn't leave you knowing i was making the wrong decision."


Kara breached to her Earth, wiping the tears and stopping herself from crying any more.

The past was in the past, it was gone, and so was Barry.

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