The Part Where She Goes To Their Earth

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Kara's POV
"So, let me get this straight." Cisco walked up to board. "You think, that if we can't get you home, for the time being we bring your sister here?"

I nod my head.

It sounds like a stupid plan, to just bring more people here that results in having to bring more people home, but it's Alex.

I shouldn't have a reason because she's my sister.

Cisco shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, i guess it wouldn't hurt."

Caitlin sits up from her chair, "Wait. If we're bring someone here, why not just use the same tactics and instead, bring you back to your earth."

"Because." I glanced over at Barry, hoping it was quick enoigh for no one but him to notice, "I have reasons to stay for now."

Both Cisco and Caitlin toss glances at eachother.

Caitlin holds a straight face but Cisco is smiling ear to ear and i can tell they know.

"Cisco, don't you dare." Caitlin warns.

Cisco's smile somehow grows wider before he says, "Yeah baby, Superflash, it's on!"

I look over at Barry, who face palms and shakes his head. I can also feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

Caitlin just laughs but still somehow looks at Cisco with a death stare at the same time.

I just smile, and let out a small laugh.

Eventually, the moment dies down and we are back to work on finding a way to get Alex to come here.

"So, if we can open a breach on her earth," Cisco points to me, "then we can open the same breach on our earth by..." Cisco goes on about a bunch of sciency words i know that only Winn would understand.

While Cisco and Caitlin are bickering back and forth like an old married couple at a science convention, Barry pulls me aside and out into the hall.

"When Alex gets here, are you going to tell her about," He pauses for a moment so i finish the sentance for him. "Us."

"I don't know Barry." Is how i reply, "I mean, i'm going to have to go home eventually, and the more people that know, the harder it's going to be to leave..." I trail off for a moment.

"To leave, you." I whisper, but the expression on his face tells me that he heard what i had said.

"We can still be an us." He says, resting his hands on my shoulders, "It'll just be a long distance us."

And then i think of Mon-El. How can there be a Barry and I, when i have Mon-El.

And then the guilt finally hits me, i've been over here, with Barry, while Mon-El ihas been worried sick about me over there. I cheated on Mon-El.

But nobody will ever have to know. Because once i leave, Barry will just be another part of my screwed up past.

That makes up my desicion, "Barry, i don't know if there can be a long distance us." I tell him.

Barry's POV

Kara saying that there can't be an us after she leaves, has more hurt in it then i thought.

"Long distance never works, and you know that. Long distance sucks." She tries to explain.

"Then it won't be long distance, stay. Stay here with me and just visit over to your earth." I plea, knowing there is no way she will agree to this, but i can't let her go knowing i didn't try everything.

"You know that can't happen." She tells me, and she's right.

"So what, this is it? Are we done?" I say. I lower my voice at the end, hoping that if it she doesn't hear the question, that we can still be something.

Unfortunatly, she hears my question, "No," she answers. "We aren't done." Then i hear her mutter something along the lines of 'Not yet'.

Before i have time to respond, Cisco comes bursting around the corner and the wall is what stops him from moving any further.

"" He states, out of breath.

Kara takes her eyes off me and toward Cisco, "Does that mean, Alex is here?" She asks, esthatic.

"Yes, well, she's coming through now." He tells Kara, now managing to catch his breath.

Kara doesn't just sound esthatic anymore, she looks it.

Cisco and i follow Kara into the main room where a breach has opened.

Kara stands infront of Caitlin, Cisco and i, fiddling with her hands.

After a few moments of waiting, a woman in all black clothes walks through her had at her side, most likely resting on a gun. The first thing her eyes land on, is Kara.

Kara and the woman-who i'm guessing is her sister Alex- instantly hug, no hesitation in their movements at all.

They stay like that for a long time, i see tears forming in Alex's eyes and a good guess would be that the same is happening to Kara.

It makes me smile, along with Cisco and Caitlin, knowing that we just reunited a family.

Look who finally updated!!! And it's everybodies lucky day because i'll be updating again super soon!

My next chapter is going to be a crossover with @honeystar2312 book "The Legend of New". If you haven't checked it out already please do so, it's a great book!

Anyways, that'll be the next chapter of my book. Enjoy!

Over and Out Superfriends!

Running Home to You-Superflash vs. KaramelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant