The Part Where He's Gone

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Alex's POV

I can't help but wonder how Kara must feel now with Barry gone.

After work i plan to go visit her for a girls night.

"Winn, what time is it?" I groan from my chair, spinning in it out of boredem.

Winn checks the clock on his computer "6:45." He tells me.

"Winn! I was suppose to finish at 6 why didn't you say anything!"

Winn only laughs at me, "I wanted to see how long it would take you to notice." He laughs.

I stand up from my chair quick and give him a hard look which immediatly shuts him up causing me to laugh.

My laugh is gone the minute i get a head rush, "Ou i stood up too fast." I tell him while i squeeze my eyes shut and grab my head.

The head rush passes and when i open my eyes i look to Winn. "Oh you just wait until game night, i'm gonna kick your little sherade ass."

As i walk away i hear him laugh, "Good luck with that!" He yells at my back.

I yell back at him over my shoulder as i walk away, "Don't need it, i can kick your ass anyday."

I hear his faint laughing as i walk away, laughing myself.

I walk outside, grabbing the helment off of my motorcycle i hop on it.

I throw the helment on, do it up and start up my motorcycle.

It's a few minutes to Kara's apartment but it's not too long of a ride.

I weave through the streets avoiding cars along the way.

A few turns later i park my bike outside of Kara's apartment and make my way into the lobby.

When i walk in i sigh in frustration.

The elevator's broken.

I walk outside and round the building to the back while pulling my phone from the pocket of my leather jacket.

I dial Kara's number and wait for her to pick up.

It's only a few rings until she picks up.

When she does i whine to her, "Kara, you're elevators broken and i don't wanna take your stairs can you come out to the back and fly me up."

She laughs at my lazyness then says "I'll be down in a few seconds."

She hangs up and i throw my phone back into my pocket. I hear a whoosh sound and suddenly in in my sisters apartment stumbling to keep my balance.

I grab onto the island to stop myself from falling over.

"A little warning next time?" I ask her while i stand up tall before i let go of the counter.

"I told you a few seconds." She shrugs with a smile and makes her way to the couch.

I walk behind her and sit in my usual spot on the couch next to her.

She looks fine, it doesn't look like she's been crying, her hair isn't a mess, she looks okay.

This is not how i thought she would be.

"How are you doing?" I ask her.

She smiles at me, which is odd, i thought she would be heartbroken about Barry having to go back home. "I'm good."

She then takes in my surprised expression, "Why?" She asks suspiciously.

"I-i just figured you'd be sad, with Barry having to go home an-"

"I'm sorry what? What do you mean Barry going home? He didn't go home he's still here." She cuts me off.

Oh no. That little flophead.

He didn't tell her.

I swear i'm going to rip his ear off.

"He didn't tell you?" I ask, surprised.

"He said he had to go find Cisco, but never said anything about going home."

And there's that sad look, the look i expected her to have when i first walked in.

She's quiet for a moment, fiddling with her hands in her lap as she thinks.

She looks up to me with this heartbroken look that just about breaks me.

"Why didn't he say goodbye?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

I reach over and give her a tight hug. "I don't know, i'm sorry." I tell her.

When i pull away i look directly in her eyes.

"You can't keep going like this." I say to her, "You can't string along Barry if you're going to choose Mon-El or vise versa. Kara you need to figure out how you feel and who you love, this will tear you up inside, believe me."

Kara wipes a few tears that had fallen onto her cheek and nods her head.

She grabs my hands and squeezed them gently.

Standing up she looks at me with a sad smile.

"I know what to do." She tells me while nodding her head.

I stand up and walk her to her door as she grabs her coat and keys.

As we reach the door she turns to me and asks, "Where's Mon-El?"

A/N Sorry it's been so long since i updated this and sorry for the not-so-long chapter but i needed to squeeze this in.

The book is almost over!

Who do you think Kara is going to choose? Barry or Mon-El?

What do you guys think she is going to say to Mon-El when she sees him?

Please leave your feedback because i would love to make the last few chapters of this book as best i can for you guys.

Also this book is #5 in the monelofdaxam tag like omg thats actually insane like thankyou guys so much for getting me there!

Stay awesome.

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