The Part Where She Goes Back

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Kara's POV
I walk into the training room, where Mon-El is practicing some punches on a dummy.

"Alex said i would find you in here." I say to grab his attention. "Step a little more when you punch, you'll hit harder that way." I tell him.

He nods and takes my advice. He upper cuts the dummy, stepping into his punch a little more and the dummy flys backwards, hitting the concrete wall and landing on the floor with a 'thud'.

"There you go!" I smile at him.

He smiles back and walks over to pick up the dummy.

As Mon-El is placing the dummy back in its spot he asks me, "So, what did you need?"

I sigh, pausing a moment so i can figure out how to word this.

Mon-El watches me with intense eyes as if he expects a mission or something.

"I'm sorry." I tell him.

He looks at me a little confused.

I feel like i need to apologize for this, he hasn't been on this earth long and i'm throwing things at him and putting him through things he shouldn't have in his life.

He looks at me with a bit of confusion but before he says anything i continue with my sentance.

"I need to go to Barrys earth."

Barry's POV
"So you just gave up and walked out on her?" Joe asks me.

"Without even saying goodbye." Iris adds.

"I didn't give up," I tell him, "I weighed my options amd found that having Mon-El in her life would make her happier."

"But you really don't know that." Iris argues.

Joe nods along in agreement. "Don't assume she's better off without you. Assume she's better with you until you're told otherwise. You don't know how she feels, maybe you're the guy of her dreams."

I mean they do have good points. Maybe i am the man of her dreams and i made the wrong choice to leave.

Maybe she's happier with me, and we're destined to have a future together.

A relationship, then maybe even get married and have kids.

We could grow old together and have that happily ever after.

Maybe she's as in love with me as i am with her.

I smile at my family. "Okay, you do have a good point."

They smile in response and i continue.

"I'm going to win her over because if she's even half as in love with me as i am with her then-"

I stop talking when i hear a knock at the door.

I look between Joe and Iris, "Were you guys expecting anyone."

They shake their heads, Iris then asks me the same question.

"No." Is my response.

Joe offers to answer the door, and pulls out his gun as he makes his way to it, just to be safe.

He looks at Iris and i before slowly opening the door.

From my position in the living room i can't see who it is but the moment Joe opens the door he hides his gun, whoch helps both Iris and i relax a little.

I still don't know who it is, until the person starts talking.

I would reaconize that voice anywhere.

"Is Barry here?"


"I checked Star Labs and then Jitters and he wasn't there so i figured the next place he would be at would be at home, with you guys."

I toss Iris a small glance, excitment jumping in my eyes.

Maybe she's come to finally confess her feelings and that she would rather be with me than Mon-El.

I jump up from the couch, trying to hide my enthusiasum.

"Kara! Hey!" I say reaching the door.

I nod a 'thank you' to Joe as he walks away.

I take a step outside, smiling at the blonde girl infront of me as i close the door behind us.

"What's up?" I ask her.

I'm hoping her answer is going to be 'I love you and i want to be with you forever.'

But what comes out of her mouth next is the complete opposite.

"I came to say goodbye."

A/N I can't believe the book's almost finished! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger like that.

What do you guys think is going to happen next? How do you think Kara's going to say goodbye?

Sorry it's not that long of a chapter. I had to end it there but i didn't have much to write this time.

I'll do my best to make the next chapter longer.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, i'll try to update again soon!

Over and Out Superfriends!

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