The Part Where Kara Ends Up On The Wrong Earth

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Alex's POV

I watch helplessly from the monitor in the DEO as Kara fights an alien with the ability to teleport.

Kara may be fast, but she isn't fast enough to catch him before he teleports behind her.

Just as she turns around he delievers a punch thats sends her a few feet away from him.

"Winn. If i follow him into one of his worm hole things, what would happen?" Kara asks through the earpiece as she stands on her feet once more.

"Ummm," Winn types furiously on his computer, "I'm.....uhhhhh......not sure." he admits.

The alien teleports infront of Kara and tries to hit her, she manages to catch his fist and punches him hard.

As the alien flies backward, he opens another portal. "Well i guess we'll just have to find out." Kara says running foward.

She follows him into the blue portal and everything on her end falls silent.

"Supergirl?" I ask over the coms. No response. "Supergirl!" I say a little louder this time. The coms are dead silent.

Neither Kara nor the alien reappear on any of the cameras. "Kara!" I plead, hoping my cries for her with make her reappear.

"Winn! Find out where she is!" I snap at him.

"I-i can't find anything! Her tracker is offline, her com is dead. Sh-she's....gone." Winn replies.

She's gone. Kara's gone.

Barry's POV

"Barry! Get in here! We have a problem!" Caitlin yells over the S.T.A.R LABS speakers.

I race into the main room to find a breach opening. I stare at the swirly blue mass infront of me and prepare for whatever or whoever comes out of it.

Within seconds i reconize who comes through. Starke, a meta with super strength, comes racing through.

He is running so fast that he doesn't even notice where he is headed. I stick out my arm as he begins to race past me.

My arm collides with his neck and he is sent flat onto his back, laying on the floor. I stare down at his unconcious form, then back up to Caitlin.

"Why is the breach still opened?" I ask her. She gives me an uncertain nod, so out of instict, i prepare for who or what may come out next.

Seconds later a girl comes flying out. And i dont mean running super quickly. I mean actually flying.

She stops in front of us all and I manage get a good look at her as she ascends to the ground.

She has long blonde hair, falling past her shoulders in long curls. She wears a blue and red dress along with a red cape. Her outfit also consists of knee-high red boots and an 'S' surrounded by a triangle on her chest.

"Who are you?" She speaks up. Her voice is soft but also manages to be stern and demanding at the same time.

"I'm the Flash." I say motioning the the red suit i have on. "Who are you?"

"I'm Supergirl. H-have you never heard of me?" She asks. This must be her first time earth hoping.

"Nope." Cisco says. He then turns to Caitlin, "i dont think this one jumps earths all too often." He laughs.

"What are you talking about?" Supergirl steps foward and the breach behind her closes.

Cicso dramitically sighs and walks to the corner of the room. "Allow me to explain to you," he pauses dramitically and pulls out a white board, "the multiverse theory." He says it in a deep voice that causes Caitlin and I to laugh.

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