The Part Where She Admits It

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Mon-El POV
I'm taking Winns advice, i'm going to talk to Kara about this other man.

My real thought? They aren't actually in love like Kara and i are, Kara was just helping him rehearse for a play he was in.

Seems logical enough.

I don't knock when i reach Kara's apartment, she told me not to so i walk right in.

I find her sitting on the couch doing that cute thing she does where she stares off into nothing and plays with that necklace around her neck.

Mom-El quit it! Focus!

"Hey Kara!" I say to gain her attention.

She snaps from her trance and smiles at me, "Hey!" She says.

She pats the spot next to her and i sit down beside her.

"Um so yesterday." I say, maybe i won't even have to say anything, she'll explain it all on her own and everything will be okay.

"Hmm." She hums in response.

Guess not.

"I uh, came to visit you at your house," I start, "and uh i heard you talkig to somebody-some guy- and i heard the things you said to him."

Her head snaps up, more attebtive than before. She's acting like she's done something wrong.

She's Supergirl! She doesn't do wrong.

"W-what did you h-h-hear?" She asks me.

"Uhh." I take a moment to recall yesterday, "something about another earth, a hang out, oh and that you went out with him and kissed him." I say bluntly.

She stammers in her words, "Mon-El,"

"Nope." I stop her, i hate to hurt her like this but i must say what i planned on the way here. "I may not be accustumed to Earth's dating standards but what i do know is that what you did is cheating, and in the movies, when somebody cheats the other breaks up with them."

"Mon-El." She says again, more like pleads. Something forms in her eyes and i soon realize they're tears as they start to fall from her eyes.

"What are you saying?" She asks.

"I think i'm saying that we can't happen while you and some other guy are happening as well." I tell her.

She shakes her head, "No no no." She tells me, "Me and that other guy are not happening, we are not happening i swear, please don't do this."

The way she looks, the hurt on her faces, it makes me feel bad, i could never hurt this woman, no matter how much she could ever hurt me i will always love her and i cannot do this to her.

"Do you promise?" I ask her.

"I promise him and i are not a thing." She replies.

I let out a frustrating sigh and stand up, running a hand through my hair, "I don't know Kara!" I tell her. "Because last i heard you two had kissed and gone out on a date! A date! That is what boyfriends and girlfriends do! Go on dates and kiss!" I tell her.

"I know, i swear we are not a thing!" She tells me back.

"See but that's the thing, you're talking about the present, not the past. So if you can promise me that you and this guy have never gone out, never kissed, at all, then we can be okay." I pace back and forth.

She hesitates, Kara hesitates and that kills me, knowing that she can't promise that.

"Mom-El i am so sorry." Is all she says.

That's it, that's her answer, nothing about promising she was never with this guy, no, she won't deny it because she can't. She was with somebody else.

It kills me, absolutly kills my soul to do this because i love her, i love her too much to ever hate her, nothing can ever change the way i feel about her.

But i need time, i need some time to just think things over, time to myself.

So i walk away.

A/N Please don't kill me. Don't kill me for the fact i haven't updated in forever and the fact that i ended the chapter here, whoops.

I'm not at the best place in my life right now so i don't have much motivation to write chapters but i'm trying my best.

Hopefully i'll update soon, again, don't kill me for the way i ended things.

Over and Out Superfriends!

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