The Part With The...Goodbyes?

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Winn's POV
Alex had left her phone here with me at the DEO in case something went wrong over on her end of things.

It's been only three days and i'm already getting a call from Alex's side of things.

"Yello?" I answer.

"Winn." I can tell it's Alex who speaks, mostly because she follows with "It's Alex."

"Alex, my favourite agent. How's it going on the other earth? I got my favourite cop over here who misses you!" I ramble to her, positivity in my voice because if this is something bad i need all the happiness i can have right now.

"I have someone here that i think you might want to meet." She says.

"And who shall this person be?" I ask her.

"His name is Cisco."

I put the phone on speaker and set it down on my desk so i can continue 'working'.

"Send him on over." I tell her spinning in my chair, "Well, i guess pass the phone on over or whatever."

I hear Alex laugh and then shuffle the phone onto this 'Cisco'.

"Yo yo my bro!" Someone says through the line.

"You must be Ciscooooo" I carry on the 'o' in his name.

I hear someone in the background yell, probably at Cisco. "Relax, relax, i'm making a new friend here." Is how i hear Cisco respond to the person.

I hear the person on the other end yell again, i can tell it's a girl.

Cisco groans, "I gotta go man." I hear him snaps his fingers, "We, shall continue this later."

I nod my head without him seeing and respond, "Sounds good ma dude."

"Later!" He pipes.

I say bye and hang up the phone.

It wasn't a very long conversation but i can tell we'll be talking alot over the next little while.

I put my phone away and actually start doing my work, not just typing randomly so J'onn wouldn't yell at me.

Kara's POV

Barry and i decided to spend the day together, since we didn't know how much time we had left.

We both knew that we had to work this out at some point; i knew i had a choice: Barry or Mon-El.

And it kills me because i love them both so much.

Barry and i are walking along the streets of Central City when my phone rings.

When i pick it up i hear the voice of Mon-El, oh that sweet sweet voice.

"You know, you're taking an awfully long vacation." He says as i tell Barry i'll be right back.

I walk away from Barry and respond, "Hopefully i'll be home soon." I tell him.

"It's a vacation." He laughs, "Don't you get to choose when you go home?"

"This is a little bit different." I tell him honestly.

"Oh." He sounds dissapointed.

"But i'll get home as soon as i can." I reassure him.

"Okay!" He says happily.

"Have fun! And bring me back a swovinie." He says.

"You mean a souvenier?" I laugh. The way he messes up these kinds of words makes me smile.

Running Home to You-Superflash vs. KaramelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя