The Part Where She Chooses

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"I came to say goodbye."

Barry's POV

I stare at Kara on the porch.

She showed up at my house, on a completely different earth, to tell me she'll never see me again?

No 'I love you'.

No 'Come live with me forever'.

Not even a 'Hi'.

She frowns at me, saying nothing, just looking sad.

"You came to say goodbye?" I ask her, trying to hide the crack in my voice.

She closes her eyes for a moment, as if containing some deep dark feeling that's ready to explode.

When she opens them again, her blue eyes are glossed over.

Her beautiful blue eyes, like the ocean i once got lost in.

But now it feels like that same ocean is the one drowning me, holding me under so i can't breath freely.

"Yes." She pauses, letting it sink in. I wish she wouldn't, i don't need this to hurt anymore than it already does.

"It's not fair that i do this to you,"

No, it's not.

"but you deserve a goodbye, at the least."

"Why?" I ask, "Why didn't you choose me?"

She sighs, it's subtle but i notice it, as if she's telling me a burdon that she doesn't want to talk about.

"I have a life back on my earth." She tells me.

But i could be your life here.

"I have Alex,"

I'll be your new family.

"I have Winn,"

I can be your new best friend.

"I have..."

This time she trails off.

It's only now, that it finally clicks with me why she's not choosing me.

It's because she chose him.

"And Mon-El." I finish for her.

She nods her head slowly, letting a small 'yeah' escape her lips.

"So that's why you aren't choosing me, because you would rather choose him."

I try containing my anger, i've been with her for so long, i've loved her for so long, why can't i be good enough?

It hurts more than it angers me.

It hurts that after everything we've been through, everything i've done, it wasn't enough.

"No- Barry-"

"Don't bother trying to argue it." I inturupt her.

I run a hand through my hair, meeting her eyes afterwards.

"I know you've made your choice, the least i can do is respect it."

She looks almost relieved, some of her worry has gone but i can still see that hint of guilt in her eyes.

And that's the part that keeps my anger at bay.

Seeing her guilty and hurting stops me from being angry because i know she still cares, even if it's not as much as i wish she would.

"I still love you." She tells me.

I shake my head simply in response, "Not as much as you love him though."

"Go be happy." I tell her. "Go be with him and build a life."

She smiles, a sadden one, at me.

She leans in hesitantly before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm sorry." She says one last time before walking down the steps on the porch and flying off into the air.

I watch her until she's completely out of my sight, engulfed by the clouds that scatter the sky today. But she doesn't look back, not even once.

She made her decision, she met me, loved me, then moved on.

And now it's time for me to do the same.

A/N Soooo how mad are you guys?

I've still got 2 more chapters left in this book so don't give up on it just yet.

Who knows, my last two chapters could be Kara telling Mon-El she chooses him and then living out their lives together orrrr it could be Kara realizing she made a wrong choice and going back to Barry.

What do you think it'll be? Or do you think something completely different will happen?

Sorry i didn't update for a while, i was in the hospital but now i'm back out and i'm healthy!

Hopefully another update will come soon, sorry this was such a short chapter.

Over and Out Superfriends!

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