Cell 334 (1)

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Jahseh's pov:

We were at lunch still seated at the same table as last time.
I watched and waited for ski to enter.
I still didn't know what to think of what my cell mates said about him.
It doesn't make any sense.
How can someone just disappear?
All I know is it's probably better if I don't find out.

Soon enough I saw ski walk through the doors causing my gaze to lower.
I couldn't afford to attract any attention.

Ski was about to pass my table.
My heart beat rose in fear.
I sunk down hoping to not be recognized but I guess it wasn't soon enough.

" hey baby boy" I heard him whisper behind me with a low raspy voice.
I froze at a loss of words.

" I want you to meet me on level A Cell 334 after lunch " ski informs me sending chills down my spine.

" uh... I can't.... we're not allowed to leave our cells" I quickly stuttered out.
I gulped thinking of all the possibilities.
What is going to happen to me?

" find a way and If you don't.... you can't even imagine what I'll do to you...." ski lowly warns sending me conflicted emotions.

" but.." I quickly stop as ski starts again.

" Bad things happen to people who disobey me" he warns again.
I stare blankly not agreeing or disagreeing to Ski's demand.
Ski stands up straight with no further words and leaves.

" what was that all about" Nick asks me from the other end.

" he wants me to go to his cell" I inform them still trying to understand what I said myself.

" ohhh noo" Gazzy says full of worry.

" I don't know what to do" I ask conflicted.

" It was nice knowing you" Daniel Jokes.

" come on guys I really need your help" I plead.

" just don't go" Michael suggests.

" but he said if I don't something bad will happen" I inform them.

" maybe it will be fine" Gazzy says trying to brighten the possibilities.

" how could it be fine if y'all said you've never seen anyone he takes the next day...... unless y'all bitch assess lying" I state hoping maybe they were lying.

" look we aren't lying... and maybe this time will be different" Michael suggests.

" yeah right" I state my nerves starting to get the best of me.

" I don't know what to tell you except for just don't anger Ski" Michael warns me.


We about to start heading back to our cells.
The guards came in to take us to our cells but before they reached our I table I quickly got up and ducked my head walking out a side door.

I can't believe I didn't get caught.
I got to be quick before the guards notice though.
I quickly found where the cells were located and started climbing the stairs to reach level A.

Once I got there I started eyeing the numbers on each cell.
331.....,332......,333......,335......wait where's 334?

I'm on level A.
Where is it.
There has to be a mistake.
I start to freak out and then I see someone heading my way.

" looking for 334?" An inmate with with brown dreads asks me with a smirk.

" who are you" I ask confused.

" Omar, but that doesn't matter, now follow me" he says motioning me to follow him.
I quietly follow behind him curious to where he was leading me.

The walk seems to never end until we finally reach the end of all the cells.
There was nothing left to see but one final door.
The number read 334.

The door was bolted in iron.
It was all alone.
No wonder no one could here the screams.
Maybe I should of never came.
I knew I wasn't ready for what I was about to encounter.
Omar opened the door with a very strange key.
How did he get that?
He slowly opened the door as he motioned me to go inside.
I was quite hesitant though.

" go on" Omar says giving me a warning look.

I slowly walk in traveling through a long hallway until I'm met with another door but this door was already unlocked.

" keep going" Omar yells out to me.

I slowly turn the knob while quickly regretting all my life decisions.
When the door is finally open I couldn't help but gulp at the sight in front of me.

Cliff hanger 😏
So what ya think?
What do ya think is in there?
Should Jah of went?
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