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Gazzy's pov:

I watched as the others ran. I knew I was only slowing them down but that's why I stayed behind. Before I knew it Ski and everyone else caught up to me.

Omar comes over to me and ruffly grips my arm. I grunt at his action before informing them " you'll never catch up, there going to make it out of here without you and there's nothing you can do."

I then feel a stinging sensation on my cheek before Ski mutters the words " just you watch."
A sly grin then appears across his smug face.

I don't really know if he actually has something planned or he's just bluffing. Even if he uses me as bait there's no way he could catch up to them by now to even tell them. Second if they were planning on killing me I just know somehow Omar won't let that happen.

" you forgot one little thing." Ski informs me.

" oh and what is the that." I say back still feeling confident. I know whatever they think they got on us we already got covered.

" we know all the short cuts." Ski informs me while smirking. Yeah I guess I didn't think about that one.

" well maybe they do too." I fire back.

" well the fact that we caught up to you guys probably means they don't." Ski points out. He's probably right but the longer I can distract him the more time I'm giving my cell mates to get out. Maybe the short cuts won't even be able to get us there on time.

I wanted to work things out with Omar not only just to work things out but so maybe he can help us escape.

Jahseh's pov:

This was taking longer than I expected. We've been through about 5 intersections and still no end.

" Metri you sure were doing this right?" I ask him in slight concern.

" I'm pretty sure." He assures me.

" guys were just going in circles." Michael complains.

" yeah because you said it would only be 3 miles and I know we've been running more than that." Daniel adds. I know there right even though I don't want them to be.

" well what are we doing wrong?" I ask Kimetrius. We stare his way while waiting for him to respond. This can't be it. We can't let the others catch up to us. There's got to be another way.

" well I know this one tunnel it's supposed to get us out but it's not exactly a normal tunnel." Kimetrius warns us. What does he mean not normal. Why haven't we used this tunnel to begin with if he knows it's definitely going to get us out.

" what do you mean?" Nick asks curiously.

" I mean it's not just a straight narrow tunnel it has drops and things I don't know that would even be worth attempting." Kimetrius informs us. It might be a risk we're going to have to take though. It's not like we have very many options left anyway. It's either keep roaming around these endless tunnels until Ski catches up or try something dangerous but a ticket out.

" alright let's do it." I inform with confidence.

" in I'm." Nick joins.

" well I guess there's no way to back out now." Michael inputs. Daniel then also agrees and we all look to kimetrius.

" y'all some desperate dumbass's." Kimetrius chuckles before starting to walk again. I just hope what he was talking about wasn't to extreme.

We've been walking for about 10 minutes now. I want to admit it but I am starting to feel quite worn out.

" alright guys we're here." Kimetrius informs us. So far it looks pretty normal. It's just a straight path as far as I see.

" oh and it may look fine now but wait to we get in a little further." Kimetrius informs making me regret assuming that it was going to be fine.

We started walking through the tunnel and I could here a pick up in the pace of the water. There was probably I drop off coming up.

" alright guys obstacle one." Kimetrius warns us. I then see that we in fact were now facing a very steep part of the tunnel with a pool of water at the bottom.

" who wants to go first." Kimetrius asks smirking. I don't even know how to go first. How are we supposed to even go down this.

How do u think there going to go down it?

Do u think Skis going to catch up?

Do you think this was a smart idea?

30+votes for update!!!

Please comment!!!!

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