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Jahseh's pov:

We've been swimming for what seems like forever. Michael and I have been take turns on who's carrying Nick. I can't believe he seriously can't swim.

" uhh guys the tunnel ends right up there." Michael informs in a questioning tone. There better be something else at the end of this tunnel because I didn't just do all that swimming for nothing.

" yeah but there's a gate up there too." Kimetrius informs us. Now that we're getting closer I can see the gate he was talking about. It was just like the other one but it needed a key.

" so how are we supposed to get through it?" Michael asks.

" well I think it takes the same key we used to open your cell." Kimetrius informs.

" how do you know?" I ask this time.

" well why else would Ski was want our key unless he needed it for something ahead." Kimetrius informs us. He makes a good point but I just hope it works.

" who has the key?" Kimetrius asks.

" I do." I answer while taking the key out of my pocket and handing it to Kimetrius.

He then inserts the key in the hole and turns it carefully. We all watch with anticipation hoping that it will work just this one time. I hear Kimetrius sigh in relief as the gate becomes lose.

" I need your guys help this gate isn't going to open easily with it being in water." Kimetrius informs and motions for us to come help.

We all grab on to a part of the gate and push with with all the force we had left. If I knew escaping would be this hard then I don't know if I would have done it. Luckily we were able to open the gate wide enough for us to slither through. I just don't know how much longer I can swim.

" how much further do we have?" Daniel asks.

" uhh about 100 meters." Kimetrius informs. That's not that far away but yet I still don't see an end.

" Kimetrius there's nothing up there." I inform curiously.

" there's a way out up ahead you just can't see it." He informs.

" what do you mean?" I ask.

" I mean we're going to have to go under water." Kimetrius says more clearly this time.

" for how long?" Daniel whines. I can't blame him though because I'm feeling the same way.

" well that depends how far away the water fall is." Kimetrius informs.

" waterfall?" Michael says in a questioning tone.

" yes now when we go under everyone follow me ok." Kimetrius informs waiting for everyone's consent.

" alright I'll go first stay close behind." Kimetrius states before going under water. Everyone is quick to follow. I just hope we won't be under for long because I am not one known for being able to hold my breath.

I notice the water getting rougher which probably means the water fall is close ahead. My view of Kimetrius is soon gone. The water is no longer clear and I start to panic as I can't see anything ahead.

I then feel my self falling and landing in a rough current.

I then hear a very faint " Jah."

I try and pull myself up but my body's to weak. I then feel someone's grip my under arms and pull me up. I immediately gasp for air.

" Jah you ok?" What seems to be Kimetrius asks. I catch my breath before implying that I was ok. Kimetrius helped me over to a place to sit and help me to catch my breath. I still was trying to comprehend what just happened. My vision was slightly still blurred and I felt exhausted.

" Jah we made it." Kimetrius informs.

" what?" I ask not believing what I just heard.

" we finally broke outta prison." Kimetrius repeats. I sigh in relief at those words. I've never heard anything better.

Do you think there really out of jail?

Do you think skis going to still find them?

How long have you been waiting for them to finally make it out?😂

Do you think they should stay together or go separate ways?

30+votes for update !!

20+ comments please!!

Questions for characters:









Prison // slumptacion Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt