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Jahseh's pov:

I feel like I had no choice but to go with Ski. The plane was landing in like 5 minutes and I still don't have a plan. If I tell everyone then Ski will find out and I can't risk anyone else. I guess my only option is to go with Ski. I hate to say it but I don't think there's anyway else to get out of this.

I right as the plane landed I received another text from Ski saying " meet me next to the closest bathroom when we get off the plane."

How am I supposed to meet up with him without the others noticing that I'm gone? Maybe I'll just have to tell them that I have to go to the bathroom. Anyway it's not like we planned on staying together when we got here anyway.

" you look nervous Jah," Kimetrius comments. Yeah I was really nervous but I couldn't tell him that.

" you know we're safe now right?" He adds trying to bring comfort to me. I only wish that was true. I'm happy that at least they will all get to start over and have a new life. I wish I could too but there's nothing I can do now. I don't want to risk anyone's safety for my own selfish reasons. I've already risked everyone enough when I asked them to help me build that hole.

" yeah," I answer halfheartedly. I wish that was true.

I still can't believe that we actually made it this far. I thought for sure that we were going to get caught. I at least was able to make it this far but I didn't escape the one reason I did all of this in the first place. Now everything just might be even worse because now no guard can stop Ski from getting to me.

Soon enough we were in the airport. I knew now that I had to separate myself from the others.

" uhh I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," I inform everyone.

" wait didn't you say Ski was on the plane?" Kimetrius asks me. I immediately freeze in panic.

" yeah but I don't think he knows we were on the plane so why does it matter?" I question him while hoping that he will just drop it.

" I just think it's probably best if we all stick together until we know that we are safe from Ski," Kimetrius points out. I don't know how to argue with that because if I wasn't in the position I'm in now I would of agreed with him.

" I'll be fine,  just stay here and I'll be right back," I assure him. Soon enough I got him to agree. Kimetrius I feel like has taken the mom role in our group. He is always looking out for everyone. I'm really going to miss everyone. This is the last time I'll probably see any of them.

I better not keep Ski waiting. I want nothing more than to tell everyone where I'm really going but I can't do that to them.

I walk into the nearest bathroom to find Ski with an emotionless expression.

Once he spots me his expression immediately changes into a smirk as he says in a deep raspy voice " now we can finally have some fun."

I know I'm in for it and there's no backing out now.

What do you think Skis going to do with Jah?

Do you think Jah's friends are going to find out what happened to him?

What other ships do u want to see in this story?

Do you think Jah made the right decision?

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