The Final Escape

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" guys we have to leave now"


Jahseh's pov:

" what why" Gazzy asks confused.

"They know" I answer him.

" so we have to leave tonight" I inform them seriously.

" ok then let's hurry" Michael agrees.

We start digging again and it's literally done.
We just have to make it a tad bigger.

" guys someone's coming" Daniel warns us.

We quickly hide the hole and place the tools underneath my bed.

I'm shocked to see a guard and Omar approach our cell.

" I promise you they have them" Omar yells to the guard.

What is he talking about?
What does he think we have?
I swear if he's bitching on us.
It's his fault because he won't get out of here.

The guard opens the cell door informing us that he's going to search the room for weapons.

I start to freak out knowing the tools aren't hid very well.
As long as he doesn't find the hole then it's ok.
I turn to Omar to see that same ugly smirk across his face.
I glare back at him.

I see the guard looks under the other beds first before heading to mine.
I watch hoping he doesn't see.

I hear him sigh as he takes out the tools from underneath the bed.

" I told ya they had them" Omar reminds the guard.
I glare at him still confused on why he's doing this.

" alright you all are coming with me" the guard announces while signaling for more guards to come.

Before I knew it my hands were being pulled behind my back.
I glare at Omar one last time before I'm being escorted elsewhere.
I'll get him back for this.

" you all will be in solitary for 5 days" one of the guards informs us.

Once the guards leave Gazzy asks " how did they know?"

"Gazzy it's not that hard I mean they are the ones who gave us the tools" I inform the obvious.

" come on Gazzy" Michael says teasing him.

" I think the real question is why did they set us up?" I ask the group.
Even though we were all in separate cells we could still hear each other.

" maybe they never were planning on taking us  they just used us to make the hole" Daniel points out.

" well that's what it seems to be" I say agreeing.

" well if we're not getting out than neither are they" Michael states.

" what you got in mind" Nick asks.

" well we got all those tools from them didn't we?" Michael asks.

" yeah so" I argue still not knowing where this is going.

" well think of all the other things they must be hiding" Michael states.

" well what if they don't find anything then we'll get in even more trouble" I remind him.

" well that's where you come in Jah, do you remember where he had anything valuable" Michael asks me.

I start to think of where something might be and then I remember.

" the escape plan" I inform them.

" what's that?" Michael asks in confusion.

" he has an entire escape plan written on the wall but it's on the opposite wall so the guards wouldn't normally see it" I inform them.

" well what if they leave tonight?" Daniel points out.

" let's just hope they don't" I answer him.

" alright but how are we going to get the guards attention?" Nick asks.

" tomorrow when they bring breakfast" I inform him.

Friday: Day 6

" I'll tell them" I inform them.

" no it should be someone that doesn't get in trouble a lot and has been here longer" Michael points out.

" then who?" I ask.

" Nick" Michael answers.

" what why me?" Nick argues.

" come on please your the most believable person here" I argue back.

" so I guess you guys didn't get out" I hear a familiar voice say.

" kimetrius?" I ask curiously.

" yeah it's me" he responds.

" you set us up didn't you?" I ask with anger boiling inside me.

" I told you to never trust Ski" he reminds me while avoiding my question.

" you didn't answer my question" I remind him.

" and you didn't follow my instructions" kimetrius argues.

" did you or did you not" I ask him finally.

" I know a way we can all get out of here without Ski stopping us but I need your help" Kimetrius informs us.

" that's impossible" I argue.

" so are you with me or not" kimetrius asks asks still avoiding my question.

" how do we know we can trust you?" I ask him.

" you don't" kimetrius says blankly.

Do you think they should trust kimetrius?

Why do you think Ski set up Jah?

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